Twenty One

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We both watch her face pale and tears brim in her eyes before she turns on her heel, slamming the door behind her. I rub at my face while my headache starts to disappear after that, leaning into Dominic's arms as he pulls me to his chest, and sigh against him.

"I can't wait until I'm old enough to retire."

He snickers, kissing my forehead, and then turns my head. "I really don't like his mark on you."

"I don't either."

"I wonder..."

His lips claim my neck, sending warmth and tingles through my body, and I let out a soft moan when he sinks his canines in. My head spins and my fingers grip his arms to steady myself, his name airy when it comes out of my mouth, and he pulls away with a smirk.

"As long as I can continue to have that effect on you, I will do my best to not rip him to shreds."

Laughing, my words are swallowed with a kiss, his lips moving over mine in perfect sync. "You know," he mumbles against my lips, "we need to start training. It'll be easier with everyone in one pack now."

I give a small disapproving groan when he pulls away, pouting. "When?"

' "Now."

I stifle the stream of curses that I wanted to throw at him and instead follow behind him leisurely. Every now and then, I take little glances at his head before dropping my eyes down to his back. In the pack link, he tells everyone who will be fighting to head outside after dressing in comfortable clothes. Cole lets him know they were on their way, and when I step outside, the first thing I do is drop my shirt to the ground.

"You know, I might start buying you clothes," he grunts.

I giggle behind him and stretch my arms to warm up. The bite was, thankfully, not as sore and I touch the inflamed skin gingerly. "Seems to be healing," I tell him.

"Good. You will still stay away from him."

I roll my eyes. "I intended on it. Don't worry."

While he sets everyone up into pairs, Claus joins my side, his eyes dark and stormy.

"You okay?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Two members from Cole's pack were just shot. One went straight into his heart; the other is lodged into the man's lung."

I falter. "By rogues or hunters?"


"That's impossible!" My voice is loud enough that people look over, curious. Quieting down, I groan. "Very few know that location."

"I know. When I tell you this, don't be mad?"

"No promises," I mutter.

"Eric was among the hunters. He's one of the guys that managed to shoot the wolves."

The panic started slowly. I was staring at Claus before quickly turning on my heel to hit the closest thing, the skin breaking open, and I stare at my feet as the blood drips onto the ground.


I hold my hand up, silencing him, and my eyes darken. "Cole," I yell, "we need to speak."

After dropping his shirt off, he walks over to me. "What's up, kitten?"

"You can't let your pack shift while you're here. I didn't realize Eric was a hunter; he knows where the house is."

Bite Me, Wolfy. (Rated R)Where stories live. Discover now