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As the days pass, I refuse to leave the bed. The food was left untouched, Dominic every now and then coming to check up on me, and yet his worrisome expression never leaves. On the fifth day of staying in my bed, I'm told to take a shower and come downstairs, that the cross-training starts today. After minutes of staring at the ceiling, I get in the shower like I was asked, walking by the guard who was not Daniel.

I stay in the water, turning it as hot as it would go, and curl into myself. I replay his cries in my mind, the blood that was flowing between my fingers, and grip my hair to not start crying. The tears had dried up days ago, yet here I was, trembling in the shower. The soft tap on the door knocks me out of my daze, and I turn the water off.

"Alpha Dominic has food for you, Miss."

I dress, letting my hair stay damp, and walk right past the plate of food that was waiting on me. My guard doesn't comment; instead, he follows behind as I make my way downstairs. The pack house was currently quiet today, most members out from Dominic's asking. He didn't order; he told them what was happening and suggested going somewhere for the day if they objected.

It's bright outside. I squint, eyes only adjusted to the dim lighting in my room, and watch as Dominic jogs up to me. He was shirtless again, girls blushing at the sight, and I roll my eyes.

"Hey, princess," he murmurs.

I just nod, pressing my hands on his back as he pulls me into a hug. His heart beats strong, fast, and I squeeze tighter. My biggest fear was losing him.

"Do you want to train today or just watch?"

My guard clears his throat. "Alpha, she hasn't eaten in a few days. I recommend her sitting this one out."

I want to glare at him for ratting me out, yet instead I have to remind myself that I can't be as playful with him as I was Daniel. Dominic, obviously disapproving, crosses his arms over his chest. We have a stare down, his eyes dark when he takes in my tired expression.

"Go sit this one out, Lia. You can give some tips instead."


He smiles at my voice, kissing my lips, and then guides me over. I wave at a few familiar people, seeing their overly friendly grins, and then travel my eyes to see the person I wanted to see. Cole sat there, drinking from a bottle of water with his shirt over his shoulder, drenched in sweat. Feeling my gaze on him, I smirk, giving a teasing wink when Dominic growls.

"How come you're more friendly with him than me?" he mutters.

"Because I can be myself with you," I retort.

Cole crosses the field, wrapping his arms tight around me in a hug, and squeezes until I groan. "Hey, cutie. You've lost some weight."

"She refuses to eat."

He looks from Dominic to me, eyes narrowing. "Is that so, Liana?"

I gulp at his tone, taking a cautious step back when he walks towards me, and then take off in a brisk run when he starts to come after me. He successfully brings a laugh out of me when he catches up, grabbing me by the waist to pull me to a stop.

"So, you're not eating?" he grunts.

"It isn't any of your concern."

Growling at my reply, he starts to drag me away. "I'm going to force feed you if I have to."

Bite Me, Wolfy. (Rated R)Where stories live. Discover now