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I knew there were going to be stares and even small rumors, yet hearing people from my pack make comments on how I was officially unfit to be Alpha because of Dominic coming out on our relationship really struck a nerve. I consider my words on how to address the pack, ready to tell them that my relationship will not affect my ability to lead them when someone slams the door open to my bedroom. I jump back in shock, holding the shirt up to at least cover myself, and frown at the look that Jamie gives me.

"You could have at least knocked," I mutter. "Turn around."

He does, giving me time to pull my shirt on, before turning back around to face me. "You're dating him?"

"Does it really matter to you, Jamie?"

His growl is territorial, possessive, and I stare up at him. "You're my mate, not his."

"I was your mate, Jamie. Did you hear the was in that? You rejected me."

Knowing I struck a nerve, I stand my ground when he walks over to me, knowing that he wouldn't dare hurt me in any form. His hands raise to cup my head, his lips pressing against mine. The warmth that was from the mate bond spreads through us, making my head spin, and yet there was a sickening feeling in my stomach. I'm able to finally push myself away when he bites my lip, bringing blood, and I stare at him.

"I think it's best you leave."

It was easy to see his wolf slowly coming to the surface, wanting to take what was his. His eyes change color, flickering down to my neck, and I wince when he pulls me to him. "You are mine, Liana," he whispers. His voice was deep and rough, just like it usually was when his wolf was fully out. I grip his shirt, ready to shove him away from me the moment his teeth graze my throat when he was pulled away from me.

I can't help but stumble back, tears in my eyes as I stare up at him. He was slowly regaining control, confused about what happened, and starts to apologize the moment he sees me about to cry. "Touch my girl again," Dominic growls, successfully bringing fear to Jamie's eyes, "and it will be the last thing you do. Do you understand me?"

He weakly nods, nearly falling when Dominic lets go and then turns to leave after giving me a soft apology. I wipe my eyes when the door shuts, my hands shaking, and breathe in the familiar scent of Dominic. His growl is low, soft, and I feel him pepper kisses all along my neck and face until I smile.

"You smelt like him. I thought I told you to keep a guard with you?"

"I did!" I whine. "I needed a shower and had to change out of my workout clothes."

He tugs me to him, thumbs brushing my hipbones, and I shiver as his tongue flicks out and runs up my neck. "You really think that's an excuse?"

I whimper as his teeth latch onto my neck, teasing. "It was a valid reason, Dom."

"Do you really want to upset me?" he whispers, words light in a tease. I feel him grin before he looks at me, kissing my lips. "I don't care if he sits in the bathroom with you. I want a guard with you every single second of the day."

I sigh and agree, knowing it was only the small price that had to be paid so he could come forward with our relationship. Once word traveled to my pack, Jillian was the first one to start dodging me, her face red with embarrassment and her mood sour now that she realized she was unable to have him. Teasing, I run my fingernails down the length of his back, memorizing the feel of his muscles underneath my hands, and hold him to me.

"Things will only get more complicated from here on out, Lia," he tells me. "Please take your protection seriously."

"My only concern right now is the talk that I plan to have with my pack. People are already saying that I'm becoming an unfit Alpha, while a few guards have reported that a handful of members are thinking of ideas to take me down."

Bite Me, Wolfy. (Rated R)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu