"Lia, you need more food," Link yells at me.

"Stop being a pig and I'd have some." I retort.

Eric laughs, popping the top of one of my teas, and I roll my eyes. "Do you want one, Lia?" he asks.

"Yes, please. So, Link, what do you want to do?"

"Video games? I just bought a new one that I want to break in."

"Ooh, what is it?"

He tugs it out of his bag too quickly, causing a photo to fall out, and I grab it quickly before he could. I smirk at the dorky photo of both him and Harlan, both wearing matching smiles, and I hand it back to him while snickering.

"I assume this happened after I left?" I tease.

"That isn't any of your concern."

Eric and I snicker underneath our breath before we quiet down with the glare that he shoots us. Obediently, the two of us follow behind him as he makes his way upstairs. I catch Eric glancing around now that I had added Dominic's things to the walls, and he smirks at my birthday photo.

"How old were you?" he asks.

I hum. "Twelve, I think."

"How old was he?"

"Dominic had just gotten back from Oregon, so he was sixteen, I believe. His birthday is a few months before mine."

He smirks. "Do I even want to know why you're covered in spaghetti?"

"Prank that went wrong. I was mad at him for leaving me, and decided to prank him, but it backfired. He got covered, too, but refused to let me go."

"Remind me to never leave you," he jokes.

We're laughing when we step into my game room, Link already setting up his game, and I claim the other beanbag chair before Eric could grab it. "Sucks to suck."

I groan underneath his weight when he sits on me, his body shaking with laughter, yet I could smell his nervousness and could hear the fast pace of his heart.

"Dude, get off her. She's turning blue."

I dramatically breathe in when he's off, sending playful daggers, and smile at Link when he hands me the second controller. "What are we playing?"

"Online shooting game."

"Wow," Eric gasps, "so descriptive."

We both burst out laughing, yet Link rolls his eyes. "Real mature."

Eric and I take turns playing with Link long until it was nearly seven. While he orders us our own pizzas, I press for Dominic to answer me through our link. I was greeted with nothing but silence, causing me to start to stress out, and I throw myself against the couch.

"Are you okay, Lia?" Eric asks,

I turn my head to watch him kneel so we were eye level, a frown on his face. "Yeah, everything is fine," I lie. "I'm just tired."

"We can leave after the pizza?"

"No, it's okay. We have movies to watch."

His face reddens. "About that..."

I stare hard at him. "It better not be horror."

"Link, we need to go grab a new movie so she doesn't kill us."

I stare hard at them when Link grabs the keys to the truck, tossing them over to Eric. "It better be something other than horror, boys."

They nod simultaneously before closing the door behind them with a soft click. Now alone, I bury myself into the couch and pull the blanket over me, drained. I continue to prod at Dominic through the link, tapping my fingers on the ground.

Something doesn't feel right, my wolf comments.

I know, but I don't know what it is.

I stare at the clock as the time moves forward, my stress levels spiking. I had yet to hear back from Dominic, and the boys were still gone after nearly thirty minutes. By the time I'm ready to give up, the door slams open, causing me to growl.

I falter. "Cole?"

"Lia, we have an issue. Dominic, Link and Eric are in trouble."

Bite Me, Wolfy. (Rated R)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant