Cole nods, running his fingers through his hair, and then walks off to talk low to Dominic. The two whisper long enough that when I walk over to see if they were done, Dominic runs his hands down his face in annoyance.

"Everyone start with the basic training regimen that I showed you last week. You will be training with a pack who fights differently, so learn to adapt to change."

I look up at Dominic before looking over at Claus with a sly smirk. "Wanna fight?"

He cracks his knuckles, grinning. "I am a trained warrior. The Alpha female wishes to fight me?"

"I bet I can kick your ass."

He laughs loud, shaking his head. "Let's go then, Liana."

Claus and I move in a circle, watching each other and waiting for one to strike. The moment he makes the first move, we go together like water, dodging each blow and landing one almost perfectly to one another. I manage to get ahead with my speed, knocking his feet from underneath him, and wipe the sweat off my forehead when he hits the ground.

"Oops," I sing. "Did I hurt you, Mr. Warrior?"

"Claus, train with Cole."

We both look over at Dominic before he nods his head, using my hand to pull himself up. We give each other a fist bump before I smile up at my mate, squeaking at the feel of his lips on his mark. I let out a soft breath, sinking my nails into his shoulders, and look up when he pulls away.

"He was watching you. I guess he doesn't realize that you are mine."

"Are you jealous, Dominic?"

He smiles down at me, taking my breath away, and I lean into him when his lips are on mine. "I will never be jealous, because then I would fear that you are not mine. Instead, I am territorial, and I will always protect what is mine."

"I love you." I whisper.

"And I love you, Liana. So very much."

I giggle, shoving at his chest. "Then fight me, oh mighty Alpha."

His eyes glimmer, body already glittering with sweat, and towers over me. "Do you really want to do that, Liana?"

"Yes. Are you worried I will knock you on your ass again?"

His hand shoots out, shoving my shoulder, and I hit the ground with a soft hiss. "Oh, sorry. You talk too much."

At that, I pounce, growling when he holds me to him by my waist. He chuckles in my ear when I fight him, hard against my leg, and I cheat by biting his shoulder hard. It brings blood, causing him to drop me, and I wipe it off my lip with a cheesy smile.

"Oh, sorry. Did I hurt you?"

We move towards one another after that, Dominic's wolf steadily taking over, and I laugh when I make him more frustrated. His eyes are black when he looks at me, a dark grin on his face, and I squeak when he catches me.

"You little tease," he growls, smiling. "You must really love to tease him, huh?"


We both freeze at the voice, his eyes immediately darting behind me, before his lips pull back in a growl. "Who is it?"

Lowering his lips, I shiver as he nips my ear. "Your little human friends. Don't let him harm them, will you?"

When his wolf settles back and gives me Dominic, his eyes are locked on the two boys behind me. I turn in his arms, looking over at Link and Eric, and wipe the sweat off my face. Everyone was silent, not knowing what to do or say, and I clear my throat.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask.

"Eric and I wanted to see if you're busy today. This is the only day off this week that I can hang out with the both of you." he explains.

Eric's cheeks pinken when he sees that I'm looking at him, catching him midway of his eyes trailing my body. "Sure. What did you guys have planned?"

Link shrugs. "Movies and games at your place or maybe we can go into the city and hang out. Eat a lot of food."

"Dinner and movies at my place sound fine. Can Dominic and Cole come, too?"

He laughs. "It's your house, Lia. Not mine."

"Let me get a shower. You can stay here, or I'll meet you at my place."

"We can wait here. You seem a bit..."

"Preoccupied?" Dominic finishes.


I shrug, smiling over at them. "It's fine. I'll meet you two inside."

Eric gives me one last look before stepping into the kitchen behind Link. I stifle the curses that want to come out, bitter on the tip of my tongue, and look up at Dominic.

"You guys keep training," I tell him. "I'll see you when you get to my house."

His arms wrap around me, lips warm on my own, and my head is spinning by the time he lets me go. "I'll be over soon."

Giving him one last kiss, I hear him and Cole redirect their fighting styles, telling them to switch groups, and I shut the door behind me. Both boys were sitting at the island, Link with one of my teas in front of him, and I scowl.

"I didn't say you could have that," I tell him.

"I tried to find something else," he defends, "but nothing looked good."

"I'll be right back. Help yourselves if you're hungry."

Both tell me they will when I head up the stairs, body sore from overworking myself. While I daydream about taking a hot shower, I head up into the Alpha's quarters, comforted by the smell of Dominic. Everything in here smelt like him, bringing butterflies to my stomach, and I decide on loose shorts and a tee shirt for after my shower.

I hum to myself while washing the sweat and dirt off, smelling like strawberries instead, and quickly dress after my shower. My stomach growls, bringing me out of my daze, and I nearly scream when I see Jamie sitting on the bed.

"It smells like him in here," he says.

"I'd hope so. He and I both sleep here."

Ready to walk out, I stiffen when his fingers wrap around my wrist, pulling me to him. Heat floods between both of us at the contact, his smile growing, and I quickly pull away from him.

"You can't tell me you don't feel this between us, Liana."

I growl. "It was only so we could both live. You and this mark mean nothing to me."

"Your mouth may say that, but your body disagrees."

"You need to leave, Jamie."

He stands, hiding his wince, and pulls me into his arms. My body burns at his touch, my eyes closing on their own accord, and he chuckles in my ear.

"See?" he whispers. "We're meant to be."

Bite Me, Wolfy. (Rated R)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum