That stops everyone that was outside. He looks at me, a disapproving frown on his face, yet doesn't tell me no. At least, not yet. "Why me?"

I pull off my shirt, stretching my arms for a basic warm up, and smile up at him cheekily. "Because you're the only one I know who won't go easy on me."

"Lia, I can't. I don't want to hurt you."

"Dominic Zane Frey, you will challenge me, and you will not go easy just because I'm a girl, do you understand me? You are the only one who will put in effort because everyone else will be too worried about hurting me. We fought as kids; we can fight now."

Rolling his eyes, he nods. "As you wish."

Everyone makes room, giving us space, and I can see a few members coming outside to watch. He smirks at that, leaning down to kiss me, and then pulls away. "Are you sure you don't want me to go easy on you, kitten?"


I stare at him as we move apart, knowing I had the advantage when it came to speed yet knowing his was strength. We circle one another, watching the way his lips curl in a smile, and then we start. I move out of the way quick enough when he goes to lunge, swiping my foot to drop him. He goes down, moving quicker than what I remember he could, and makes a complicated move to keep him upright.

He sees my scowl, laughing, and then pins my arm behind my back. "What? I learned a few things since we were kids."

I move quick and fluidly, getting out of his arms to face him once again. He lunges and I dodge him, grabbing his fist and hit hard on his forearm. I hear the snap, his eyes darkening with pain, yet he flexes his hand when we move away.

"Oops, did I hurt you?" I tease. "I'm sorry."

Shaking it off, we keep going long until we're both tired, my body sore from all the jabs and hits that he had managed to get in. I knew he was tired too, yet he refused to show it, knowing he needed to continue looking strong for the warriors he was supposed to be training. The moment he comes at me, we both hear a man make a small comment about my body, hoping neither of us heard it. I freeze, as does Dominic, and we both stare directly at him.

"What was that?" he growls.

The guy visibly gulps, his face pale, and quickly shakes his head.

"That's right. If I hear you talking about her in that way again, I'll be sure you remember the pain that comes with it."

Before he gives me attention again, I smirk, hitting him right where I knew it would bring him down. For a second, we both stare at one another, him on his back on the ground with me cheekily smiling at him. His eyes narrow in on me playfully, pushing himself up, and then tucks the stray hairs behind my ears.

"You'll regret that, Liana."

I giggle, waving him off as I make my way back to Daniel, and take the water bottle in thanks. "Do you feel better, Lia?"

I nod, seeing the way that Jillian refused to look at him now that I was out here, and smirk. "Go train with them. I'll stay out here."

Looking towards Dominic for acceptance, he nods his head at us, and I smile up at him when he obeys. Shedding his shirt and shoes, I cross my arms, my gaze lingering on Dominic's back. I smile to myself when I walk away, dropping my shorts when I get to the pool, and take my hair down.

Bite Me, Wolfy. (Rated R)Where stories live. Discover now