Life is so small, unimaginable

Living, must not be given up so easily

Look far ahead, be your truest self OH YEAH~

Tomorrow, whether it's rainy or sunny

Hug, it makes love more meaningful

The world, let's move forward with love OH~

So closing his eyes Sehun pushed the negative thoughts away letting himself think that he was stronger than his own mind, yes it's not easy but it's the first step which he has promised himself to take. He won't break a promise he made to himself. 

Cause we’ve got one life one world

So let’s come together

We’ll weather the storm

A rain of colors Look up to the sky

We’re all made of shooting stars


We are made to love WOO OH~

We are made to love WOO OH~

We are made to love WOO OH~

We are made to love

We are made to love

We are made to love


Sehun was startled as he heard the sound of dog barking.

"Look at him, so small but he is a fatty hahaha, come outside your puppy!" 


Sehun's Concentration broke as he snapped his eyes open. He heard some chattering and then a bark, followed by a whimpering sound. Clutching his phone tightly and pulling his earphone down Sehun slowly got up towards the source of his disturbance. 

"Ah! Ah… Don't shout or the guard will come again! Why are you so dirty! Eww…bad Puppy stop shouting!" 


Sehun crossed a few benches and a few trees before taking a turn towards the curve. There were three children, not more than nine, with sticks in their hands each. They were poking something with it and even shushing the thing which was a dog by the type of noise he was making. 

"Leave it alone" 

Sehun truly didn't mean to scare any of them, but he can't blame himself. In past years he has grown tall, not as tall as Baekhyun's boyfriend but taller than most of his classmates. His low soft voice has become deeper and sharper while his thin figure has grown more healthy with muscle. His dull brown eyes have grown to shine darker and more beautiful under the white icy snow. His responses have transformed so much that one wouldn't understand if he was angry or just talking normally except if you are Baekhyun or Kyungsoo who are the only ones to know their best friend well. His tone has become heavier and edgier as years pass by so yeah truly can't blame the man to scare away the children by just one sentence. He looks more intimidating now that he stood before them staring like he was interrogating them. 

The children jumped startled as they faced Sehun, their sticks falling down as soon as they heard his voice. 

"W-We weren't!" The first child yelped. "We weren't doing any-anything Uncle!" 

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