CH 30.

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I'm dedicating this Chapter to my fellow fanfic writers. You all are wonderful and unique people who allow us to explore your world of imagination. I have been greatly inspired by you all and I'm truly grateful to bring some light in my fading world. So Thankyou.  You all deserve the Love ❤


Baekhyun's Pov :

"You know what more I did? I tried to even kill Park Chanyeol"

Beads of sweat trickle down my forehead, as I tried to swallow down the fear in my throat but the words of the masked man were too much for me to even gulp. Goosebumps rose on my arms as I recall the day I was attacked in school, the horror of that situation still give me nightmares. I can't imagine what this man has done to Chanyeol or even worse what he can do.

"Chan-Chanyeol?" My voice came out a mere whisper, as I managed to speak. I couldn't believe what my ears were hearing.

There it was again. I felt a raw sensation spreading through my body, the pain catching up slowly taking over my already restless body, mind and soul. He seemed rather pleased to receive at least some reaction from me which made me glare at the man.

"Yes, Baekhyun. I know what you will ask me next. Why? When? How?" He tsked, shaking his head, and at that moment I tried to take in a deep breathe to calm myself.

One of his man, clad in all black with a gun in his hand and a box in other comes forward, his other hand seem to carry a small rectangular shape box, which he quickly set over the table in front of me. With a wave of two fingers the man steps back and goes to being a statue again.

"Here" I blink slowly at him. He taps the box a few times and slid it in front of me. I can only stare at it blankly before raising a curious brow. "You need answers didn't you? Let me show you something that maybe can help you finally piece a bit of something together"

My head was about to explode. It was spinning. Is he trying to play some tricks on me or was he actually helping me solve the puzzle in my brain.

Taking a note of hesitation in my movements he chuckled then took it upon himself to open the lock for me. He looks up at me through his eyelashes and smirks.

Ignoring him, I shift my attention to the box and what's inside it. Maybe it was just a prank to make me even more agitated or maybe he was just trying to get me through my weakness. But none of those things came true because as soon as my eye fell over the familiar piece of jade necklace, I felt a sharp pain pierce my heart. Through a blurred vision I inhale a few times, the smell of cocoa still lingering in the air hit my nostrils.

Was I hallucinating? No! This is a dream. Please, someone, wake me up.

With a shake of my head, I bit my lips and pull the box closer and touch the piece of jade in it, which shine brighter under the cafe light but the most dreading thing that was sending a bitter taste in my mouth was the few drops of red smeared over it.

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