Chapter Fifteen: Brace For Impact

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Abandoned All Hope Continued

    The ride to Carthage was oddly silent. Jessica lounged in the back of the Impala as Dean drove and Sam sat shotgun. It was a comforting silence but even Jess wanted the boys to say something, anything.

    Clearly, there were no words to share, no goodbye speeches to make...and that, well, was because they all hoped they'd face down the devil today and live which was a substantial notion. They had the gun that was true but she knew the devil would have a trick up his sleeve.

    Jessica wished Rachel was still alive. She had always been kooky and even a tad bit crazy but she always knew what to say. How to help Jess if she was stressed or worried because they had known each other inside and out. They'd been sisters and Rachel had always been the stronger of the two.

    But Rachel was gone and she wasn't coming back so Jess had to be the strong one now. All on her own.

    Carthage looked like an ordinary town except it was completely empty. No one was out on main street, no other cars except theirs were moving. It was eerie and quiet. Too quiet.

    Both brothers stuck their hands out their windows, phones raised up.

    "Are you getting a signal?" Sam asked.

    Dean shook his head, "No, nothing. Nice and spooky."

    The elder Winchester waved at Ellen to pull up near the Impala. Jess caught Cas' stare from the back of Ellen's station wagon and gave a small wave.

    "Place seem a little empty to you?" She asked as Jess looked around. The town was empty like the women said, maybe they had gotten it wrong.

    "We're gonna go check out the PD. You guys stay here, see if you can find anybody." She heard Dean say and the Impala moved forward.

 • • • • • •

    The local police station was completely deserted when they opened the front door, however, they still needed to check it. Sam and Dean both slid from the car as Jessica followed right behind them. The Impala's trunk was a weapons cache that Jessica tried not to think about too often as both boys were lugging around a lot of illegal weapons in the back.

    Sam shot her a smile and then handed her a shotgun. "Um...Sam?"


    "It's point and shoot right?" She asked and eyed the gun that was now resting in her hands.

    Dean smirked and picked up his own gun and other weapons while Sam quickly but briefly explained it was not all 'point and shoot' with this one. Jessica carefully listened to the man as he neared the front door of the station.

    "Just be careful Jess. We're right here, alright."

    She nodded and followed them inside. The lights were cut off and there wasn't a soul in sight just like outside. Dean went over to the radios and fiddled with them for a moment while Sam checked the holding area for well any sign of life.

    Once they all deemed they were truly alone, Jess set off for the break room. There was a vending machine in there and she so happened to have a dollar so she bought a candy bar and met back up with Sam who was waiting on Dean.

    She offered him a bite of her chocolate and he actually accepted. Jess was surprised and then mortified when Sam took more than half of her candy bar. She quickly jabbed him in the arm until he surrendered the rest, causing them both to laugh. She had glad to see Sam smile as he rarely did.

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