Chapter Fourteen: Worth a Shot

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Abandon All Hope Continued

    After her twenty questions game with Cas, Bobby sent her into town to a local gun store run by this guy named Dave. She figured Bobby was getting tired of hearing her talk and Jess needed a change of scenery anyway. The fourish walls of the study were growing tired. Jess guessed this Dave guy was friends with Bobby because he just gave her a crate of ammunition without asking for any payment whatsoever. 

    Dave seemed like an okay guy, didn't talk too much, and even helped her get the supplies into the car Bobby let her take into town.

     "Thanks, Dave, really."

     "Must be some hunting trip." The old guy laughed and shut the bed of the truck.

     "Yeah, a new family tradition I guess." She shrugged and grabbed her wallet.

     "No ma'am. I can't." He said and held his hand up.

     "Dave," She said and handed him the bills. "Beers on me." The guy smiled at her and accepted the money. She waved goodbye then made her way back to Bobby's eager to see if the boys were back yet. After returning to the house and unloading the ammo crate she found herself back in the study reading up on all that was monster.

     Sam had texted her about forty minutes back as she blinked to keep her eyes on a page about some sort of frog demon, that they would be back soon and that they had the gun and she counted the seconds until they came back. Eventually, she heard the impala pull up and the trio piled into the house. Dean showed off the gun and Jess didn't actually know what she was expecting. It looked old, almost vintage.

    There was a moment of silence as they stared at the gun, before the room filled with music. Jessica glanced up and over to the corner where the old radio sat.

    "What? If we're going out, we're going out with a bang." He said and turned the music up.

    Jess laughed as she looked over at Dean who was trying to order food and Jo who was handing out drinks so decided to clean up her book area a little so they'd have room to sit. Sam grabbed some books from her arms.

    "Thanks." She said and he nodded.

    "Uh, everything go okay? Cas said this guy had some major artwork up." Sam laughed at her.

    "Yeah, he was helpful actually which is a little concerning as demons rarely care or help, unless they have something to gain." Jess squinted her eyes. Funny as Cas had said the same thing to her. There seemed to be a story there, but it hardly seemed like the time. 

    After moving the books she moved towards the kitchen.

    "Jess?" Jo asked and offered a beer.

    "Nah, I'm good." Jess smiled at the girl. She liked Jo as she reminded her of Rachel just a tad, maybe because of her hair or her spunk, Jess couldn't tell. 

    Rachel had been slightly crazy in a good way, always going on about ponies or their job or what kind of wrapping paper to buy that Christmas. Of course, back then that was all they had to worry about. Wrapping paper and a normal life seemed as far as the north pole at this point.

    "All right, big boy." Ellen looked at Cas. Jess watched them from the doorway. She'd only known Ellen for the day, but she could totally get used to her as well. She was like the female version of Bobby but probably more comedic and prettier. 

    As Jessica been reading throughout the day, Ellen shared quite a few stories about various cases she and Jo had together and some good advice if she ever got caught in a tight spot. Jessica took the advice gladly. 

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