Chapter Thirty-Nine: Famine

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(My Bloody Valentine Continued- Dean's POV)

    Dean and Castiel headed back to the hospital hoping to find some answers. Unfortunately, Dr. Corman was nowhere to be found.

    "Hey, Marty. Is Dr. Corman around?" Dean asked the assistant medical examiner as they passed by the office.

    "You haven't heard?"

    "Heard what?" Marty didn't say anything but just lead them to the morgue. 'That couldn't mean anything good.' Dean thought as they trudged down the hallway.

    "Guy's been dry for the last 20 years, but this morning, he left work, went home, and drank himself to death," Marty said as pulled a sheet from Dr. Corman's head. Well, he was definitely dead. Dean sighed, this famine business was getting out of hand.

    Castiel spoke with no decorum, "It's Famine."

    "Pardon?" Marty asked.

    Dean rolled his eyes at Cas's crassness but of course, the hunter knew this was nothing new and that the angel was a terrible detective partner...but with Sam literally chained to a sink, and Jess keeping an eye on him, the baby in a trench coat was all he had.

    "Would you give us a minute, please?" Dean asked the M.E.

    "Sure," Marty said and left them to mourn.

    "Crap! I really kind of liked this guy." Dean told Cas. Dr. Corman was one of the very few who didn't ask stupid questions and let them do their work.

    Cas looked at the body and then turned back to Dean, "They haven't harvested his soul yet." That meant they'd be coming for it eventually then.

    Dean turned to Castiel giving him his undivided attention as the duo agreed that they should find out what Famine's body count was if they were to find the horseman.

• • • • • •

    (Jess's POV)

    Jessica watched Sam struggle against the cuffs. They had kept their conversation light after she'd explained everything about Chloe and her deal gone wrong. Sam hadn't said much but Jessica could tell he felt bad for being a jerk about it earlier in the evening.

    It was like he was some kind of sick puppy.

    She wiped his brow some more and gave him words of encouragement but it didn't seem to be doing anything for him so he had slumped down shivering. Jess felt bad for Sam, even though she was mad earlier she couldn't spite him now, not when he was struggling. She could tell he was trying but it seemed really hard for him, to resist whatever he was trying to resist. She hoped Dean and Cas would hurry up so he didn't have to be in pain anymore.

    Dean had mentioned Sam had been hopped up on demon blood a while back but he had given it up and if it was anything to go by, she was sure that was Sam's vice. Still, it made her think about her own famine.

    Sure she had felt odd, scared, and even a little hungry but for the life of her Jessica couldn't figure out what she was trying to resist. Of course, there was a part of her that was bored...that didn't seem to care much and there was another part of her that wanted to pack up and leave but all that had gone out the window when she saw how desperate Sam had become.

    Except he was acting like he was having withdrawal from a drug and perhaps for him, demon blood was a drug. The couple that had literally eaten each other had been a tragedy brought on by Famine...his power swelling throughout the city. It made Jess disgusted that someone with that much power didn't seem to care because if they did...they could have put a stop to all this chaos. 

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