Chapter Fifty-Seven: Two Demons Walk into a Bar

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    (Chloe's POV)

    Chloe hadn't seen Jessica or the boys in a while and it was starting to get unbearable down below. She had been keeping a low profile ever since the whole witch fiasco in Kirkwood and frankly she was annoyed. It'd gotten around that she'd been there and she figured that keeping on the down-low would be her best option.

    Kurt had been all but ignoring her which kind of hurt her feelings but she was starting to realize that maybe Kurt didn't have her back anymore. He was acting strange and that meant nothing good.

    She also hadn't heard from Castiel in a while and she was beggin' for a call from anyone at this point. She had to get out of this place but for all she knew the angel was dead and she had wasted her time trying to help the stupid brothers that were most likely gonna die too. Then there'd be no one to look after Jess and she would die, maybe Jess could settle down right here at the bar with her. 'It would make this job a bit bearable.' she thought as she wiped said bar down.

    "Hello dear."

    Chloe rolled her eyes and sighed as her mood turned even sourer. "And I was having such a good day."

    Crowley took a seat at the bar beside the girl. "Don't be like that's only me." Therein was where the problem lay. She sent an exaggerated sigh his way.

    "What do you want Crowley?"

    "I'm just checking in...seeing how you're hopping along?" He asked.

    "Just checking in huh?" She sneered. It was never just anything with Crowley, she'd learned that quickly after meeting him.

    "What can I say. I'm a businessman and I like to make sure my investments are secure." That was the fancy way of making sure she wasn't causing trouble which was normal for Chloe. She toed the line more than other demons would but she was a special case.

    "I'm fine."

    "Are you? Last I heard you were fighting zombies with the Winchesters. Now, why would a lowly crossroads demon like you be helping them?"

    "I don't know what you're talking about. I've been making deals...doing the paperwork." Chloe looked at her nails.

    "You and I both know that's a lie."

    "What does it matter how I spend my downtime?" She sneered at him but still passed him a drink anyway.

    Crowley accepted the Scotch. "You remind me of me...when I was your age. So full of promise...until you started running around with that Angel." He threw back his drink before continuing in a tone that reminded Chloe of her father. "I should gut you where you stand Chlo."

    Chloe slammed her hand on the bar top and stood up...which was becoming a norm for her recently and she really didn't mind. "You can't touch me. Or have you forgotten?" She sneered at him.

    "Of course I haven' is dear ole brother anyway? I haven't heard from him personally but I hear higher management big shots have fewer vacation know, job priority and all." He rattled on while he nursed his drink.

    Chloe rolled her eyes at his she wouldn't know how her brother was doing these days if she could even call him that. Crowley probably saw him more than her anyway. He was favorited among the management.

    Chloe settled into her seat and pondered if she should take up darts as a hobby before she said.

 "Look if you've come here to gossip about Aaron then please...just do us both a favor and leave." She swung her arm towards the door. Crowley smirked at her.

    "I'm sorry, have I touched a nerve?" He chuckled. "Still—you playing house with Sam and Dean isn't looking good at all for business dear." She sighed and relented.

    "Who else knows?"

    "Word travels fast in Hell, you know that." He told her as he finished his drink.

    "You and Kurt are the only..." she stopped. Kurt.

    'Had that rat tattled on her?... Why would he?' Chloe thought to herself. She definitely couldn't trust him now.

    "Ah...I can see the gears running around in that beautiful mind of yours Chloe. Maybe it's your friendship with Kurt that is running stale. Perhaps he has loyalties elsewhere. I mean, this is his bar but where is he?" He said and eyed the scotch. He probably wanted another glass but Chloe was angry.

    She snapped forward and grabbed his tie...and he let her. "Let's get one thing straight you dunderhead! We both know about your weird obsession with those brothers. You're rooting for them because if they can put ole Lucy back in the box then you'd be set for eternity." She said and then took a pause for dramatic effect.

    She looked him in the eye. "But it goes deeper than that, doesn't it? Looks like we're in the same boat doesn't it?" She straightened his tie where she had pulled it. "If the higher management were to find out..." She shrugged and looked at her nails once more.

    Crowley righted himself and made sure his tie was in perfect condition before flashing a half-smile then got down to business. "What do you want?" He enunciated each word.

    'Gotcha.' Chloe thought and didn't wait for the dramatic pause. "I want out."

    Crowley's half-smile turned down. "That's not happening."

    Chloe shook her head and grabbed her soda. "Everyone knows that Aaron's deal went sideways...I want out. It's already been ten years Crowley."

    "Look dear...I can move mountains but I can't mess with the order of things...not even for you. Perhaps if I actually cared maybe we'd be having a different conversation also I'm not super popular at work right now."

    Chloe watched as he finally grabbed for the bottle of scotch and poured himself another drink. Everyone knew he'd gone rogue after Lilith died and because of that, Chloe knew how to get under his skin. She had no bargaining chips to use though and she also knew that begging wouldn't work with Crowley. What choice did she have? Fueled with determination and anger she continued on.

    "I'm not asking Crowley! It's not fair I'm a demon...I never wrote down my own name...I never sealed a deal with anyone. The only reason my contract was transferred over to you was because the demon that held the deal before died...because of Sam Winchester but you already knew that." She said and sighed.

    She was sick of all of this.

    "What can I say. Dean's deal to save his brother had more repercussions than anyone wanted and we lost a lot of good people. Chloe, you know as well as anyone that there are so many more options for you in Hell. After you finish serving your time, you can do what you want."

    "But I have no time to serve and you know it!" She yelled. "I just want what should have been life. I want back what was stolen from me. It isn't fair!"

    "Hate to break it to you dear but life isn't fair." He said as he swirled the liquor around in his glass.

    "Yeah, and deals are?" She had him there, it was true demons tried to get everything they could out of people because it looked good to management, but Aaron had dragged her down with him and it was technically against the rules. 

    Because of a technicality, she was stuck here. Like this, a demon.

    "Let's not pretend. Your life was over the day your brother made that deal dear. And besides even if you could go back to your wouldn't be the same." Crowley said and looked at her like he was truly sad which surprised her all of two seconds. There was no way Crowley cared about her but she didn't think he'd say something like that.

    "Help me out." Chloe tried to plead with him as he was her only chance. He gave her a look and stood from his stool.

    "I've loved this little chat but I've places to be, people to see." And she lost him.

    "We're not done!" She told him, still enraged.

    "Oh, I know. Tah for now dear." He said and raised his scotch in goodbye and left...leaving Chloe back at square one, again.

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