Chapter Forty-Seven: The Other Brother

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(Point of No Return Continued-Dean's POV)

    After Cas left saying that something was going down, Dean looked over at Sam who was the only one still in the study with him.

    "What's up with Jess?" He asked his brother.

    Sam, who was going through Bobby's bookshelves shrugged his shoulders then answered, "She's angry, Dean. And, I'd say rightfully so."

    "Well, I'm back now...she should be—"

    Sam, who still wasn't facing him, cut him off in a raised tone, "Just go talk to her before you lose her!"

    In the time that Jess had left the house, she had made a lot of ground and was across the junkyard sitting on the tail end of a car she probably didn't know the name of. Dean found her just gazing out into the distance.

    When he came to stand beside her, he cleared his throat and waited.

    But she said nothing so he decided to take the next step, literally taking a step forward. "I'm sorry."

    "Are you?"

    "Yeah, I just said it." He said with a clipped tone. Dean in fact was not very sorry...he was annoyed and ready to get this conversation over with. He wasn't one for touchy-feely moments.

    "Yeah. You said it, but you don't mean it." She scoffed then rolled off the car and slapped Dean right in the face. He hadn't even seen it coming.

    He went reeling back to protect himself. "Ow! What was that for?"

    Jessica's face was filled with anger"You know what it was for. You broke your promise you jerk! You said you wouldn't leave and I believed you! I actually believed you!" She came at him again but Dean dodged her fist.

    "Woah....Jessie! I'm sorry."

    "You keep saying that Dean, but I don't think you're being sincere. How long is it gonna take?"


    "For you to listen to the people around you! Stop killing yourself for us and the entire world. This isn't all on your shoulders Dean." She raised her arms in the air dramatically to get her point across.

    "It's the only way—" He started.

    Jessica moved back into his personal space probably to try and maim him some more. Though her words cut him more than her hands ever could. "There has to be another way. I'm not losing you or Sam again...seeing you dead and not being able to do anything about it was hell for me. And I'm telling's not happening again." She said as a single tear slid down her cheek. 

    He softened at the sight. He hadn't meant to make her cry. He sighed as she crumpled right into his arms. Dean held her as she cried, but his decision was made and even Jessica couldn't change his mind.

• • • • • •

    (Jess's POV)

    Jess hadn't said much after her confrontation with Dean. She felt better now that she'd gotten her emotions out but she had a lingering feeling that the elder Winchester was still gonna do whatever it took to make sure that the apocalypse wouldn't happen.

    Jessica sat once more in Bobby's study with another book in her lap. This one however was one from her own collection. As she read her novel, the others just muddled around.

    A strong gust of wind blew a bunch of Bobby's papers off the table and into the air. Castiel appeared and with...another person. Jess rose from her chair, her novel forgotten.

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