Chapter Twelve: There goes my Burger

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    Jessica had never been to South Dakota.

    She wasn't a really traveling type of person until her parents passed away. She had lived in Connecticut, a small town surrounded by smaller towns until she was fourteen. Then she moved in with Rachel and they hopped around with Rachel's aunt in even smaller towns until she went to college in South Carolina.

    Jess lived there for seven years. That all ended a week ago when Rachel died. So now she was sitting in the back of what Dean referred to as Baby, the Impala owned by the Winchester brothers.

    They fought monsters and won, most of the time. Dean was the older brother. He liked fast cars and beautiful women and was very protective of Sam...they almost seemed to be joined at the hip but Jessica learned quickly that it was because they had no one else but each other. Sam on the other hand seemed to be the exact opposite. He was studious and took hunting very seriously. He seemed like a no-nonsense kind of person except one night a few days back, Dean may have let slip all the kinds of trouble Sam had gotten into when he was younger.

    It had brought her relief to know they were very easy going but protective people.

    They hadn't told her their whole life story or anything specific...but she had heard enough. A demon had killed their mom, that same demon was the reason their father had died a few years back. She hadn't pressed for details but she was sure it wasn't a pretty picture.

    Still, they were hunters...basically, Rambo if he fought ghosts or something...she hadn't been paying particular attention when Dean was going on and on about monsters in the last week.

    She'd been too preoccupied thinking about Rachel.

    All alone in the ground.

    Jessica didn't blame them for Rachel. She didn't blame Cas, who was sitting beside her in the back seat. She didn't even blame herself. She knew they'd tried their best. She blamed Nick or the Nucklevee or whatever he called himself. He killed Rachel. He was the reason she'd died.

    "Jess you wanna stop for food?" She looked up at Sam, a lazy smile on his face. She nodded her head and returned her gaze outside the window. It was easier to look outside than all the faces around her.

    She hadn't spoken since Rachel's funeral. There wasn't really a reason to. Her words couldn't make anything better, couldn't change anything, couldn't bring her back. Jess couldn't do anything now like Rachel couldn't do anything. She didn't know if she'd ever be the same again.

    When they stopped she excused herself to the bathroom, mostly because she had to pee but also because all three men, well two men and angel friend were starting to get on her nerves. They knew she was sad, and it looked like they were sad for her but it was annoying. She knew they didn't want to say anything to upset her but Jess figured she was more mad than sad.

    She didn't know what to do so she kept saying the prayer in her head from a few days prior. Lord give me strength. She didn't know if it could help her or not, but every time she thought of the words, a feeling of calm washed over her.

    And it was enough, for now.

    When they pulled back onto the road from the drive-thru she opened her bag and pulled out her sandwich. There seemed to be a commotion out on the road in front of them and Jess found herself quickly grabbing onto Castiel so she wouldn't go flying. when Dean swerved to avoid a pothole and saw a burger flip up into the air. Cas didn't even realize that his trench and face was covered in mustard and pickles. The sight was absurd, which made Jessica burst into laughter for the first time in days.

    "You done messed up, Jimmy." She said while trying to wipe some of the mess away with a handful of napkins. Cas gave her a look but she couldn't figure out what he was saying. She gave him a smile so she wouldn't laugh at him and continued to clean him up.

    Cola spewed out of Dean's mouth, followed by a coughing attack. Sam clapped his brother on the back, before looking back at Jess.

    "Well, looks like our mute speaks," Dean said before Sam got a chance to say anything.

    "He means that it's nice to hear your voice." 

    Dean quickly agreed with Sam so he didn't get punched by his brother.

    The girl smiled up at the two and resumed to pick at her chicken sandwich. Castiel was staring at his now dirty trench coat as they continued on to South Dakota.

 • • • • • •

    Jessica of course had never met Bobby Singer and the brothers hadn't said much, but he seemed like he was in the scrap metal business or at least did something with old hunks of vehicles.

    "So, this is Bobby's?" Jess gestured to the junkyard and grabbed her bags from the trunk. Sam poked his head out from the Impala.

    "Yeah, believe it or not, people used to work for him." Dean laughed at Sam's words and slapped him on the back after they shoved each other on their way to Bobby's front door.

    Dean rapped his knuckles on the door."Bobby! Open up, it's us!" 

    Jess heard the door unlock. The man who answered the door was in a wheelchair which was the exact opposite of what Jessica was expecting.

    "It's good to see you who's this?" The brothers entered Bobby's home, Jess followed close behind.

    "This is Jessica. She's been traveling with us." Bobby nodded at Dean then peered back at the girl.

    "You a hunter?" Jessica grinned and sat down on the couch offered to her.

    "Not really. Dean and Sam have been helping a lot though...with that I guess."

    Bobby nodded again and asked the boys if she'd been tested yet.

    Sam quickly explained Jess' story to Bobby. It seemed to clear up a couple of things. However, it didn't stop Bobby from flicking her with some holy water. He had also wanted to cut her with a silver knife but Sam convinced him just to let her hold the thing. The last thing they needed was Jessica freaking out if Bobby came at her with a knife. After she was deemed safe enough, Bobby was okay with her staying.

    "All right. You can stay until you've got another job. Jessica if you want, I've got plenty of Lore books; read a few, you might learn something. Listen its late as balls. I'm going to bed." The old man wheeled himself away and muttered something about food in the morning.

    "Night Bobby!" Sam yelled as he handed Jess a towel to wipe her face off with. 

    Dean pointed at the stairs."Extra room, go right up to the second door on the left. Get some sleep. We'll pick this up in the morning." 

    On cue, Jess yawned. The girl hugged both the brothers and disappeared up the steps but not before hearing Sam and Dean talking to one another.

    "We've gotta teach her. I don't want her getting hurt out on the job Sammy." Sam shrugged out of his flannel and grabbed a blanket. 

    Jess blinked at Dean's words. Was she really cut out for such a career as this one? Maybe she should head back home. She turned to walk back down the stairs when she heard Sam's answer.

    "She's strong and capable, Dean. You saw her while we researched and when we went up against the Nuckelavee. For a beginner, she's not half bad. Jess just needs to adapt and she will with some time." 

    She let a small smile fit onto her face. Sam seemed to always see the best in people even when there didn't look like there was. That was not to say that Jessica was evil...just normal. Average. But Sam believed in her and for now, that had to be enough.

    "We'll figure it out tomorrow." The elder Winchester grumbled.

    "Night Dean."

    "Yeah, yeah." 

    Jess finished climbing the stairs and went to bed. Dean was right, they'd figure it out tomorrow.

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