Chapter Fifty-Eight: The Devil You Know

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(Jess's POV)

    Jess was going through some lore books waiting on a call from Sam when their day got a whole lot worse. Dean had called a few days back and said they were on the trail for Pestilence so it was her job to start looking into Death. It would probably be impossible but it was worth it to search thoroughly the lore just in case.

    "Let me guess. another steaming hot pile of swine flu?" Bobby got right to it after saying hello to the boys.


    "Doesn't make any sense Bobby, Pestilence touched down here I'm sure of it." Sam spoke up from their end of the phone.

    "Why's he dealing up soft-serve like the swine flu when he's the Croatoan virus up his sleeve? I don't get it." Dean's voice came from the phone.

    "Doesn't matter, what matters is, this is the fourth town he's hit that we know of and we're still eating his dust."

    "Maybe he's biding his time?" Jess asked.

    "If it is just a distraction why'd he do it though?" Dean asked which made Jess think that Pestilence probably liked toying with people. His name was a dead giveaway.

    "Did ya get anything, even a snowball as a probable next target?"

    "No pattern we can see."

    "Bobby and I took the liberty to trace the cases on a map. All of the towns you guys have been to, well they're headed East." Jess said and sighed.

    "So, go East." Bobby said.

    "Bobby, we're in West Nevada, East is practically all there is." Dean's voice came through the phone once more.

    "Well, you better get to driving then."

    "Hey, be careful guys," Jess said before Bobby hung up. "Well the books aren't gonna read themselves," Jess said and went back to her chair as Bobby wheeled into the kitchen saying something about making some food. She wished she could help the boys but she was given her own task to complete.

    Jess was getting impatient. She loved research and reading but this was taking the cake. She couldn't find any info on Death, well anything helpful. She found that he barely showed his face but she knew that already. She'd also learned that he was the most powerful out of all the horseman but of course he was. 

    Other than that she'd hit a wall that was blocked by three more walls inside of a mountain. She needed a little help. She looked to see Bobby fiddling with something and Jess headed downstairs towards the panic room. As she made it to the hatch door she turned and surveyed the room and pulled out her phone. Voicemail.

    "Cas, where ever you are we could really use any insight you have. Bobby and I are drawing blanks here. It's like there was never any info written down about the horseman other than the basics. I don't know what they've done to you but," Jess sighed. She was worried about the angel. It was taking him longer than usual to get back to them. "Anyway let me know if you get this. See you soon hopefully." She ended the call. Hopefully, they'd all be together again soon.

• • • • • •

    Jess was currently making herself a cup of tea in the kitchen before she went back to researching.  

    "Yea, I followed up. Nasty omens, but none of its Death with a capital 'D.' Well, just give me a ring if it turns into anything. And, Rufus...You watch your ass out there." Bobby said into the receiver.

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