Chapter Fourteen: Worth a Shot

Depuis le début

    "Well," Cas with a small smile then proceeded to down all five shots. "I think I'm starting to feel something." Jo laughed at the angel as the doorbell rang. Jess looked around but it was as if no one had heard it. 

    She grabbed some cash off the table and made her way to the door. After securing the mountain of take-out and paying the teenager for the delivery, she made her way back to the main room slowly.

    "Thank you again for your continued support," Sam said to Dean as she passed them to make for the kitchen.

    "You're welcome," Dean said as they clink their bottles together.

    "Food's up," Jess called out as everyone made their way over.

    Dean looked up at her but still continued to talk to Sam, "You know, trap or no trap, we got a snowball's chance, we gotta take it, right?"

    "Yeah, I suppose."

    "Besides, I'm not sure it is a trap. Check it out. I mean, Carthage is lit up like a Christmas tree with Revelation omens. And look at this." Dean said and shoved Sam some papers.

    "Hey, table the conversation for now. Let's eat then we'll get serious." Ellen said as she grabbed some of the bags from Jess's arms.

    "Okay." Dean and Sam both said quite reluctantly. 

    "Thanks, Ellen," Jess said as the bags shifted, the load much lighter now.

    "Jo, grab some plates," the older woman said as they all turned into the kitchen. Dean sauntered over to Jo who was in fact grabbing various things they'd need. Jess would have to memorize the kitchen so she could help next time. 

    She saw Dean initiating yet another attempt over to woo Jo. She rolled her eyes and sat.

    "So. Dangerous mission tomorrow. Guess it's time to eat, drink, and, you know, make merry." Dean said to her

    "Are you giving me the last-night-on-earth speech?" Jo smiled at him as Jessica passed out plates.

    Sam took a plate with a half-smile and placed some glasses around the small table for those who weren't sticking to just beer as they both watched Dean and Jo. 

    "What?...No, If I was, would, uh, would that work?" He asked in a hushed voice and Jo grinned, leaning in like she was about to kiss him but then pulled away at the last minute.

    "No. Sweetheart, if this is our last night on earth, then I'm going to spend it with a little thing I call self-respect," Jo laughed and patted him on the cheek. "And some Sesame chicken."

    Jess laughed at Dean as Jo plopped down at the table. "Smooth man."

• • • • • • 

    After the food was gone, Jess was cleaning up the kitchen as everyone else except Sam and Dean seemed to vanish to the study. The brothers seemed to want to finish their previous conversation from before dinner. 

    Jessica thought that perhaps she should leave, give them some space but she'd lost a bet with Cas and had to clean the kitchen. Not that the angel knew how to work a dishwasher. She tried to pay them no mind but of course, since they were literal feet away that was counterintuitive. 

    "Look, I go against Satan and screw the pooch, okay. We've lost a game piece. That we can take. But if you're there, then we are handing the devil's vessel right over to him. That's not smart." Dean pointed a finger at his brother. 

    She could tell they were trying to be quiet so it wouldn't flatten the mood but the conversation was quite serious. Like death serious. She eyed them from where she was putting away clean plates before taking up a washrag to wipe the counter down.

    Perhaps she should have asked Bobby for cleaning supplies. She shook her head and continued to scrub. All this cleaning reminded her of when she was nineteen and had a summer job cleaning up an office space for some start-up company. 

    The office space wasn't similar to Bobby's house but it certainly had always been in a mess, one that she'd become accustomed to cleaning on a weekly basis. 

    "Since when have we ever done anything smart?" Sam asked and Jess stopped wiping the counter off.

    "I'm serious, Sam." Dean crossed his arms.

    "So am I. Haven't we learned a d*mn thing? If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it together." Sam said and gave his brother a look. 

    Dean sighed and Jess made her way over to him. She placed a hand on Sam's shoulder. Whatever happened, Jessica knew she'd be there for them like they were for her.

    "Okay. But it's a stupid frigging idea." Dean shook his head and Jess could tell this was hard for him.

    "It is a stupid idea." She said, finally turning to face them head-on, "But it's the only one we have."

    Sam nodded as well as Dean, they weren't even gonna argue. She was apart of this just as much as they were. Facing down the devil wasn't ideal but hopefully now that they had the Colt, it would do all the work for them and they'd never have to deal with Lucifer ever again.

    "Everybody get in here! It's time for the lineup. Usual suspects in the corner." Bobby called from the study. They slowly staggered over.

    "What's happening?" Jess asked.

    "Oh come on, Bobby. Nobody wants their picture taken." Ellen said as they moved further into the room.

    "Hear, hear." Jess heard Sam say and she looked around her at everyone present. Why would Bobby want a photo of them all? He didn't seem like the sentimental type.

    "Shut up. You're drinking my beer," Bobby said as he rolled his wheelchair back towards the ragtag group as Cas came from the kitchen.

    "Anyway, I'm gonna need something to remember your sorry asses by." Bobby continued as Ellen looped and arm around her shoulders. Jess could feel Cas's coat sleeve touch her shoulder and she smiled at the camera.

    "Ha! Always good to have an optimist around." Ellen said and Jess laughed out loud. Sam ruffled her hair and they all look towards the camera.

    "Bobby's right. Tomorrow we hunt the devil. This is our last night on earth." Cas said and Jess's smile disappeared. She blinked over in the angel's direction as the camera flashed.


Merry Christmas Everyone and Happy Holidays! Hope you're enjoying the story so far. 

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