enjolras; rally injury

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Y/n walked around her and Enjolras' shared apartment tangled in a book. As she flipped a page, she dodged a pushed out chair at the kitchen table. Without removing her eyes from the pages, she tucked the chair in with her foot as she continued to walk around.

Enjolras was currently at a rally. It was a rather fierce one. The people were angry, and were willing to do all that they could for freedom. Sooner than later, Javert and five other men on horses arrived, cutting the rally short.

Terror struck. The guard was vicious and went out of their way to jump off of their horses and attack people with their swords. Enjolras put himself between a pregnant woman and an armed officer.

Y/n smiled as she finished the last chapter. She lets herself fall onto the living room couch, blowing hair out of her face once she landed. No surprise here, but Julius Caesar can get a bit boring when reading it for the ninth time. She held the book to her chest and couldn't help but connect the dots between the violence and action from her book and the ghastly situations her boyfriend lived through everyday.

She worried about him.

She didn't like the fact that he could be running towards his death, or that he was wanted by the National Guard.

She shook away the thoughts and, because of force of habit, she opened the Shakespeare play again. Her eyes skidded across the page of familiar words but was soon interrupted not even three sentences in by the sound of the front door opening.

Enjolras entered the apartment and walked to the kitchen.

"Y/n, I'm home!" He shouts as he begins to remove his jacket and shirt.

Y/n sits up on the couch and throws the book onto the coffee table, thankful that she hadn't repeated the cycle of reading it again. She walked to the kitchen and leaned on the door frame with crossed arms.

Enjolras had his bare back facing her. She watched him fill his cupped hands with water and splash it on his chest.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

He turned around quickly and winced slightly.

"Ow, hello my love."

His hands fell from his chest and went back to the tap to refill.

A line on his chest was cut open. Blood and water were falling from it and before Y/n could inspect further, Enjolras splashed more water onto the wound.

"Oh my- Enj, what on earth are you doing?"

She approached him and turned off the tap.

"That is not how you clean a wound."

He leans in to greet her with a kiss but she dodges it and walks around him to pick up his discarded jacket and shirt.

"Come with me."

"No, Y/n, I've got it." He goes to grab his clothes from her hands but winces at the stretch of his wound.

"Stop being irksome and just come with me."

He rolls his eyes and follows her into the bedroom. She points to the bed and throws the blood stained clothing into the hamper. Enjolras lays down on the bed, following his girlfriends instructions. His back leans against the headboard and he places an arm behind his head.

Y/n enters the room with supplies to clean and heal the injury. She sits on the edge of the bed, placing the materials on the night stand next to the bed.

As she dips a rag into a bucket of water, she asks him "I am a bit interested as to why your chest has been slashed. Care to cure my curiosity?"

Looking up at the ceiling, he sighs. "I was protecting a woman with child."

She hums and drains the rag. She then adjusts herself on the bed to get closer to Enjolras' wound.

She begins to gently wipe around the cut. Enjolras looks down to the cut and then to his beautiful girlfriend. He smiles softly before turning his vision back up to the ceiling, trying his best to ignore the slight stinging.

"That was very brave of you."

He looks down again.

"I suppose."

"Don't be so modest. This is quite the act of courage that deserves to be recognized." She smiles, cleaning deeper into the wound.

He winces.


"It's fine." He mumbles as he examines the slash on his chest. "He got me good, huh?"

She tilts her head and raises her eyebrows. "Indeed he did. I'm just glad you're alright."

The side of his mouth twitches into a smile before he reaches his hand over to Y/n's.

"Thank you ma belle, but I could have handled this."

She scoffs. "Oh you most definitely could not have handled this. Your method of cleaning the gash was as valid as you filling it with sand to cover the opening!"

He playfully rolls his eyes, not being able to hold back a grin.

The room fills with comfortable silence as Y/n continues to care for Enjolras. He stares at her with pure love as she drops the rag into the bucket, a small splash following shortly after. She then grabs gauze from the night stand and begins to unroll it.

"I need you to help me."

He nods and sits up, lifting his back off of the head board.

She begins to wrap the gauze around his upper body. Her face was insanely close to his, but she was too focused on getting the gauze around Enjolras' figure.

With his head down and eyes up, he found himself staring at Y/n's face of concentration. She sealed the gauze to make sure that it stayed attached to Enjolras. Her arms wrapped around the sides of his body as she fastened the knot and checked to see if it was secure.

Enjolras then pushed her down flat onto the bed with him on top of her. He kissed her passionately, him smiling into the kiss. He pulls away and hovers over Y/n.

"I have been waiting all day to do that."

She rolls her eyes and smiles at him. But it quickly fades in concern.

"Does it still hurt?"

"A little, but nothing I can't handle." He says before leaning down to kiss her again. This time, they both smile into the kiss as they embrace each other further. His hand beside her head, keeping him up, and the other on her cheek. Her hands wrapped up in his hair. It was moments like these that the couple cherished.

She pulled away and placed a light hand over the gauze on his chest.

"Are you sure it doesn't hur-"

He kisses her again, interrupting the question that she had been asking repetitively throughout the course of the night.

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