"i'm pregnant"

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+ you and Enjolras have been trying to conceive a baby for almost over a year
+ you missed today's meeting to go to a doctor's appointment
+ you waited for your husband in the kitchen. when he finally entered, he had a huge smile planted on his face
+ "y/n? y/n, where are you? i have to tell you something!"
+ "hi"
+ he smiles wider and kisses you hello
+ "i have amazing news! Lamarque is dead!"
+ "...and may he rest in peace"
+ "oh, right. that didn't sound very good. but, the revolution is well on its way! we will fight on his funeral day! oh y/n, it's finally happening" he says excitedly, as he holds your hands
+ "i have news too"
+ he nods his head as he goes to put his bag down onto the kitchen table. he starts taking papers out, not looking at you
+ "i'm pregnant"
+ he freezes in his place and drops the papers in his hand. he then slowly turns to face you
+ "r-really?"
+ you smile and nod
+ Enjolras breaks out another flashing smile as tears brim his eyes
+ "i'm going to be a dad! and you! you are going to be a mother!"
+ his hands cover his mouth before he rushes towards you for a hug
+ the rest of the night consists no talk of revolution but of what colour the nursery will be and what the baby will look like
+ "the baby will have your beauty"
+ "hopefully, your curls"
+ "your intelligence"
+ "your passion"
+ "i love you so much, y/n"
+ "not a quality but i love you too, Enjolras"
+ he kisses you and your stomach before calling it a night

+ you came home from your doctor's appointment with a look that mixes both shock and excitement
+ Grantaire was in the bedroom reading one of your books. when you entered the bedroom, you immediately jumped onto the bed, next to his legs
+ "someone's happy" he says with a smile as he puts the book down next to him
+ "guess what?"
+ "hmm...a new alcohol has been created and you brought it for me?"
+ you roll your eyes knowingly and shake your head
+ "i hate this game"
+ "okay... i just found out that i... am pregnant" you say with jazz hands
+ his smile instantly falls and his mouth falls open
+ "...you're p-p-pregnant? with my b-b-baby?"
+ you nervously let your eyes look around before nodding
+ "oh R, i know that it is kind of sudden and that you and i agreed to wait a little longer but it happened and you and i are going to raise this child together because it is our ch-"
+ he kisses you
+ when he pulls away, he rests his forehead on yours and smiles
+ "i'm so happy"

+ y'all were making out on the couch of his apartment and you just blurted it out once your lips parted
+ "i'm pregnant"
+ you kissed him deeply but he pulled away
+ "what?!"
+ you shrugged "i'm pregnant with your child." you pull his face close to yours but he pulls away again
+ "when did you find out about this?"
+ "a couple of days ago" you say, running a hand through his curls
+ he pauses and takes in the information before lightly smiling and leaning into your touch
+ "i'm a little upset that you kept this quiet for some time, but i'm so happy. we're going to be a family!"
+ he kisses you with a smile, you copy his actions
+ that kiss brings you back to your make out session

+ you and Jehan have recently been trying to conceive a child and results have come quick
+ "Jehan! Jean! JEAN PROUVAIRE!"
+ he comes into view with a smile
+ "yes, yes my love"
+ "i have incredible news!"
+ he raises his eyebrows, giving consent to tell
+ you exhale loudly with a smile before holding his hand and cheek
+ "is everything okay?"
+ "yes...this is just a little more nerve-racking than i thought it would be, sorry"
+ "y/n" he kisses your palm "you can tell me anything. what is it?"
+ "i'm pregnant"
+ he smiles but then it fades
+ "it's mine, right?"
+ "yes, of course!"
+ he widely smiles, hugs you and spins you in the air
+ he lowers you down to put your face in front of his, noses touching
+ "we're going to do this. we are going to be fantastic parents, okay?"
+ you nod before kissing him passionately

+ as a newly married couple, the two of you would do what newly married couples usually do a lot of. you know...
+ you have been sick for the past few days and decided to visit Joly, where you got told the news
+ that night, you and Combferre were sitting in bed
+ he began to kiss your shoulder and neck, making his way up until you stopped him
+ "Comb?"
+ he replied with a 'mhm' as he continued to kiss your face
+ "i just found out today that i'm pregnant"
+ he nips your neck roughly, in shock
+ "ow! Combferre!"
+ "you're pregnant?!"
+ "um, yes"
+ "oh"
+ he sits back on his side of the bed
+ "please don't be ups-"
+ "where do they sell cribs?"
+ "w-what?"
+ "y/n, wake up. we're having a baby!"
+ he kisses your cheek before leaving the bedroom to blueprint where the baby will sleep 

+ you just went right out and told him
+ "Marius?"
+ "yes, mon chérie"
+ "i'm pregnant"
+ his mouth and eyes widen. he looks off into open space for a couple of minutes
+ "alright, i am going to go for a walk" you leave him in his paralyzed state
+ when you return, he has flowers and open arms waiting for you
+ "i'm going to be a papa!"
+ he squeals and jumps, almost dropping your flowers

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now