modern enjolras; "please go out with me"

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- this is high school and you and enjolras happen to be in the same science class. he sits next to you and completely adores you but you only care for your grades, and achieving greatness in this class

- today's lesson was about climate change and how it affects different biomes and ecosystems within them

- "but miss, climate change is just the weather- which we can't control. us narrowing down our use of fossil fuels doesn't make sense-"

- "excuse me" you interrupt the boy in your class. "mind if i butt in?"

- he sighs and nods

- you smile sarcastically at him before speaking

- "two things. one, weather and climate are completely different things. weather is what you see when you look out the window- it's the current temperature and the current rainfall or current snowfall, etc. weather is all now. but climate is the weather that we will see later. it's the temperatures and storms that come in the future, and are predicted by companies like the weather network everyday. two, burning fossil fuels is the main cause of global warming, not climate change because those are two different things as well. climate change comes with global warming. global warming is the act of burning fossil fuels to run our homes, buildings, vehicles, and so on. this issue only focuses on rising air temperatures in the near future or now. climate change is the other forms of disastrous weather that will come in the far future because of global warming. things like rising sea levels, droughts, peculiar rain patterns, and more. but anyway, the fossil fuels is what causes global warming because when we burn this gas, that pollution goes into the earth's atmosphere and gets trapped there. the trapped gases are called greenhouse gases and these are what cause the earth to warm and result in future horrid weather, or climate change. us narrowing down our usage of fossil fuels will result in less pollution getting caught in our atmosphere and causing less damage to the earth. there are always different ways to run our electricity; there is wind energy and solar energy- which, unfortunately, are not commonly used. all in all, reducing the use of fossil fuels will put an end to these global issues. well, that and eating less meat, stopping the purchasing of plastic bottles and using less light and water, but that's for another day." you finish with a small chuckle

- the class is dead silent. you shut that kid up

- enjolras dropped his pencil from between his teeth as he stared at you in awe

- "please go out with me"

- you roll your eyes and the bell rings. you grab your bag before he watches you leave the classroom

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now