you accidentally hurt him

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A/N: :')

- you were opening a bottle of champagne and the cork wasn't coming out of the bottle

- enjolras was coming up from behind you to hug you until you finally got the cork out of the bottle, shooting your elbow backwards and into enjolras' stomach

- "oh my god! i'm so sorry! are you okay?!"

- he groaned in response as he held an arm over his stomach

- "oh, enjolras! i'm so sorry! i didn't know you were behind me and that god damn cork wouldn't leave the bottle and- ugh! god, are you sure you're okay?"

- "y/n, i'm fine" he says with a chuckle

- you were walking to the café for the meeting

- someone grabbed your wrist from behind, resulting in you using the self-defense methods grantaire taught you

- you used the SING method (anyone know where i'm referencing? no? okay...)

- "solar-plex, in-step, nose, groin!"

- you hear a man groan and fall to the floor

- you turn around and find grantaire holdings his groin and rolling on the floor

- "grantaire! oh god, i am so sorry! i should get you ice!"


- "here you go. sorry, again."

- "i-it's all g-good" he squeaks out

- you were bringing an empty tray back to the bar of the café

- you were turning around until your tray hit something

- "ow..." courfeyrac said as he held his head

- you gasp and immediately run to get him some ice

- "i'm sorry! i'm so, so sorry! i'm so, so, so sorry!"

- "it's okay." he says with a smile as he pulls you into a hug with one hand, since the other was holding the ice

- you had accidentally left the stove on after baking

- jehan got a beer from one of the cabinets in your apartment and leaned on his hand, that was on the hot stove


- "what's wrong? what's happened?" you ask, running in from another room

- "stove. hot. hand. OW!" he stammered as he ran his hand under cold water

- "i'm so sorry jehan! i must have left the stove on...sorry!"

- "it's alright, it's alright. i'm going to go see joly. if i don't make it, just know that i love you and-"

- "go jehan!"

- you and combferre were making pamphlets

- you started to hand him a large stack of paper until you pulled them back to you, noticing a mistake but not the fact that you gave combferre several paper cuts on his palms

- "ah, that burns" he mumbles, clenching his fists

- "what's wrong?"

- "it's nothing bad, but you kind of scratched all of my hands with those papers..." he says, opening his hands to you

- "oh my lord! i'm so sorry! i am going to get a rag and shea butter and gauze and..." your voice trails off as you go into the bathroom


- "i'm fine y/n, seriously"

- "shut up. i cannot believe i did this. i'm so sorry comb. please don't hate me"

- "i could never"

- you and marius were messing around on his couch

- he began to tickle you

- "marius! STOP!" you say win between laughs

- you begin to squirm and accidentally bring a knee up and, well, you knee him in the balls

- his face pales and he falls off of the couch

- "marius! are you okay?! i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to do that!" you run to get him ice as he whimpers on the floor


- "here you go, my love. again, i'm am so sorry!"

- "all g-g...good"

- he milks the injury more because he likes the attention you were giving him

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now