who says i love you first and how

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- he does
Enjolras took you to a lake outside of Saint Michel for a date.
"Enj, I don't think we can swim here"
"Live a little love bug." He kisses your cheek quickly before stripping down to only his undergarments and jumping into the water. You just chuckle and do the same. When you jump into the lake, you splashed him 'accidentally.'
"You're going to pay for that l/n!" He started chasing you around but you were to fast for him. He eventually gave up and the two of spent the next few hours swimming and goofing around. You say in a comfortable silence, listening to the water flow and watching the ripples expand as you tread in the water. All was still until it was rudely interrupted by Enjolras dunking your head into the water.
"Enjol-" He does it again and before the third time you wrap your arms around his neck and legs around his waist.
"Stop." You say out of breath. "That was funny." He places his hands around you to keep you up. "Yes, wouldn't it have been so funny if I had drowned and it was your fault? How would you feel about living with that? Visiting my grave everyday and thinking to yourself why on earth would I do that to this wonderful woman? Living with that constant pain and-"
"I love you." You shut your mouth and stare at him.
"I love you y/n" you hug him and kiss his lips.
"Enjolras, I love you too." You hug again.
"Thank God!" After he says that, he lets his knees buckle and you both fall into the water together.

- you do
You were working a late shift at the café musain. Very few people sat at the tables and bar, one of which was your boyfriend Grantaire. He was, as usual, drunk off his arse.
"Y/n, mon chéri, can I get another bottle of wine?"
"R, that's your third one."
"Three's a charm my ever new delight." You roll your eyes.
"I am only giving you a glass more."
"Five glasses"
"Two glasses"
"Three?" You pause and think and nod your head.
"You're lucky I love you." He looks at you shocked. "I love you too!" He jumps on you, almost knocking you to the ground.
"This calls for a celebration! Bring out the bottle my love!"
"I'm kidding! Let's go home." He carries you bridal style to your home but before leaving shouts out to those at the café
"We're in love bitches!"
He then exits with you still in his arms, leaving Madame Houcheloup to close and clean the café on her own, oops.

- he does
You were drinking your morning coffee with Courfeyrac. You were looking out the window, watching the children play in the streets. His hand rested on his chin as he stared at you in admiration. His sigh broke your gaze from the children.
"What are you staring at, curls?"
"Why?" You ask whilst chuckling.
"Because I love what I see." He cheekily smiles letting me process what was just said for the first time.
"Well, I love what I see too." You two kiss and continue on with your regular routine.

- he does
You were helping Jehan pack some stuff for the upcoming meeting. You grabbed his books but sheets of paper fell out. You bent down to pick them up, only to reveal a poem about you. The top of the paper read 'my beloved y/n.' You scanned through the poem and smiled as he explained your physical attributes in beautiful ways. But your eyes stopped and widened on the part of the poem that read
'Your eyes, your smile
I can't resist
Ever since I found you
I know love exists.'
"Y/n is everything- oh my, what's happened?" He comes to help pick up the papers before his eyes draw to what your shocked face is looking at. His eyebrows furrow before he realizes what it is. He instantly grabs the paper from your hands and shoves it into his bag. He mumbles words you cannot make out.
"You weren't supposed to see that yet."
He sighs and groans lightly.
"I was supposed to give you that tonight and tell you that, that I love you... But now it's all ruined! This is my fault I should have kept it by my side and oh forget it. Y/n" He walks towards you and grabs your hand and cheek.
"I do love you." You smile and lean into his cheek.
"I love you too." He lights up and kisses you with passion and love.

- you did
Joly was cleaning you up after you had gotten wine spilt all over you by a drunken old man. He gave you a spare shirt and was wiping your face slowly. You were gazing into his concentrated eyes and blurted it out.
"I love you." He looked into your eyes and smiled before you back to his work.
"I love you too."

- it was love at first sight
You both were already aware of your deep feelings for each other.

- he does
It was pouring rain (ik im a cliché shush) and his jacket was doing a poor job of keeping you both dry. he was walking you, no he was running with you to your establishment. You arrived at your house and quickly kissed goodbye. You opened your front gate but stopped when he called your name.
"Y/N!" He shouted from down the street.
"WHAT?" You shout back.
"I LOVE YOU!" There was a pause, rain hitting the cobblestone being the only sound heard. You smile.
"I LOVE YOU TOO!" He blows you a dramatic kiss and runs home.

- he did
Just before he ran off to join his friends at the barricade he came and kissed you. He held your face in his hands and looked deep into your eyes.
"I love you, always have, always will." He kisses you again before running off, being the last time you saw him. You didn't even get to say that you loved him back.

- he didn't get the chance to say it to you because the barricade had fallen and you know the rest 😔

- completely platonic and he does
He says it every time you give him something, giving him a croissant was the first time.
"Y/n! Thank you! I love you!" He then leaves and devours his treat.

- he does
You were playing with Gavroche and his friends. Bossuet was watching you white crossed arms and a smile on his face. The children left and he walked over to you.
"You're going to be a great mother." He says as he wrap his arms around your waist.
"What makes you think I'm going to be a mother?" You tease and place your hands around his neck.
"Well we're going to get married someday and I really want kids."
"Bossuet! We need to be in love in order to be married, it's just correct."
"Oh, but we are in love. At least I know I am." He places his forehead onto yours.
"I am too." You kiss and smile at each other for what seems like forever.

AU: jehan's quote from the poem is from 'Love Does Exist.'

barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin