what type of couple you are

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- the perfect couple
- you and enjolras are considered the perfect couple because you both create the best versions of each other. everybody dreams to have a relationship like yours; you both act like your still on your first month of dating, even though you've been together for years. your relationship is also very strong and have the occasional fight, but get through it maturely.

- the party couple
- you and grantaire and considered the party couple because you both are the lives of the party. this quality is what brings in the fun factor to your relationship. whether it be the fact that you both can hold your liquor or that you both are just plain crazy, you two are meant for each other.

- the PDA couple
- you and courfeyrac and considered the PDA couple because, well, you both show a lot of PDA. the two of you are not ashamed to show the world that you are his and he is yours. your public displays of affection include A LOT of hand holding, A LOT of kissing/making out, A LOT of hugging, you get it. people were annoyed by it at first but either learned to tune it out or just get used to it.

- the 'how did he get her' couple
- you and jehan are considered the 'how did he get her' couple because, like its name, you are very beautiful and are very well known for it. you live a life in luxury, you always look breath-taking and you are filled with pure kindness. jehan is known for, well he is not known anything. many people constantly state that you are so out of his league, but you both don't care for the comments because you are insanely in love and nothing can change that.

- the "parents" couple
- you and combferre are considered the "parents" couple because you both put others before yourselves and are constantly making sure that everybody else is safe and healthy, much like parents to their children. you are an inseparable team and couple. you are as affectionate as you are protective. VERY.

- the "twins" couple
- you and marius are considered the "twins" couple because you both are crazily alike. your personalities clash so well and your relationship is built upon inside jokes and memories that you made together. for example, you both love adventure and are willing to do anything as long the other is by their side.

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