Chapter 58

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Astrila spins through the water of the river, breaking up a small school of fish. They scatter around her and she snorts, poking her snout through the surface to take a quick breath. There is a muffled sound from outside the river's watery boundaries and Astrila pokes her head up, curious. She hears shouting and she winces, wanting to duck down again. Her ears are too sensitive for this. But she forces herself to stay still and listen.

"Star! Star, where are you?"

It's Kyma, Rowan's voice echoing after her. They sound worried. Astrila sighs and shifts back, stepping out of the water. She shivers beneath her pelt for a moment, the chill air hitting her before she can wrap herself inside the furry warmth. She doesn't need to look to know that the sleeves have gotten longer, her pelt preparing for the cooler months to come.

"I'm over here!"

Astrila can hear the snap of branches as Kyma changes course, rushing through the trees from farther up the river. She can hear Rowan as well, but her footsteps barely make a sound. Astrila pulls her pelt tighter around her shoulders as she waits for the other two girls to make their way into the tiny clearing surrounding her little pocket of the river.

When they do come into view, Astrila frowns. She can't tell for sure, but Kyma looks a bit pale, even with the red spots of exertion on her cheeks. It's far more noticeable with Rowan, the girl's face looks like snow framed with fire. Something's wrong here. Astrila walks over to them, her pelt pulled tight.

"What's wrong?"

Ro gasps out. "We were!"

"What? I don't understand."

"We were wrong."

Astrila's next words are laced with confusion. "Wrong about what?"

Rowan's mouth opens and closes, but no words come out. Kyma sighs and looks to her cousin, her eyes worried. "She's been stressing over it since she got here earlier."

"Stressing over what?"

Rowan manages to speak this time. "When night and day are one. We were wrong!"

Rowan's feet give out beneath her, just enough for her to lose balance, and she crumples to the ground. Kyma somewhat catches her, managing to keep her from hitting the ground too hard, but Rowan still falls. Astrila crouches, frowning at the red-haired girl in concern.

"Can you tell me what you meant by this, Ro? What was wrong?"

Rowan shudders. "It didn't mean an eclipse."

"What did it mean?"

Rowan's next words are a whisper. "The equinox."

"Autumn?" Rowan nods, trembling. "You're sure?"

"I don't know how it didn't realize it before, I should have."

"It's alright, Ro. we have time."

Rowan shakes her head. "But not much of it. Not much at all."

"How much time do we have until the equinox?"

Rowan looks up at Astrila, her eyes panicked. "Three days. The autumn equinox is in three days."

Astrila scowls and pushes to her feet. "So we don't have much time. Alright. What can we do?"

"I don't know."

Astrila sighs and looks down at Rowan. The poor girl is still pale as snow, and her skin even has a greenish tinge to it. Astrila shakes her head after a moment and extends a hand to Rowan.

"Come on."


A flicker of a smile crosses Astrila's face. "Take my hand."

Rowan still looks confused, but she does as Astrila asks. Once Astrila has a firm grasp on Rowan's hand, she pulls the other girl to her feet. Rowan pops up, stumbling in surprise. Astrila laughs and tugs on the other girl's hand, pulling her towards the river. Rowan pulls back, digging her feet into the ground and frowning.

"What are you doing?"

Astrila turns to give Rowan a piercing look. "You need to calm down and that means we need to find you something to help calm you down. So we're going to the pocket realm. Now, would you like to assist us with the passageway or shall we waste time floundering?"

Rowan gives Astrila a mock glare and takes a step towards the water, fiddling with the bracelet on her wrist. The other two follow a step behind her, making sure to stay close. Once she is waist-deep in the water, Rowan turns to Astrila and offers her hand.

"Don't let go."

Astrila nods and takes the proffered hand, watching Kyma do the same on the other side. Now prepared, Rowan continues into the river. It reaches up to their chests, then their necks. Astrila is about to question if the passage is going to work when the water closes over her head.
Poor Rowan. She's really not doing too well, is she? Do you think going to the pocket realm will help? What do you think is going to happen on the equinox? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~Goddess of Fate, signing out

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