Chapter 54

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Rowan fidgets nervously. "Would you believe me if I told you I got this scar earlier today?"

Aisling chokes. "You what?"

"I did say that it wasn't the simplest of the topics you wanted to know about it. It's not my fault."

"Rowan. Tell me what happened."

"You weren't entirely wrong, it did have something to do with the Seelie Lord."

Aisling inhales sharply in anger. "What did he do to you, Rowan?"

"Technically, he didn't do anything."


Rowan frowns. "Okay, that may have not been entirely true."

"Rowan . . ."

"I know, I know. I was trying to stop him from taking me, and he channelled fire into the object I was using to try and stop me from stopping him." Rowan's grandmother blinks at her in confusion and Rowan flushes. "Sorry, that was probably a bit confusing. It's the best way I can explain it though."

"Why would you hold onto the thing you were touching long enough for it to burn you like that?"

"I didn't have a choice, Gran."

"You always have a choice."

"Okay, then I didn't have a realistic, logical one. Star didn't really give me another option."

"Your friend made you do this? You said she wouldn't hurt you!"

"She didn't!"

Aisling shakes her head, scowling. "But she made you do whatever led to this injury."

"Gran, she didn't know it was going to happen! If anything, it's the Seelie Lord's fault that it turned out the way it did, but he didn't specifically do it."

Aisling gets to her feet. "I think it's time I stopped hiding and had a chat with my father. I'm not going to stand by and let him keep hurting you. If him having me will make him leave you alone, then so be it."

"Ummm, Gran? There might be a problem with that."


"He may be permanently unavailable to talk."


Rowan laces her fingers together then unlaces them again, fidgeting. "He may be a pile of dust on the wind?"

"What aren't you telling me, Rowan?"

Rowan sighs. "I killed the Seelie Lord. I didn't know it would kill him, but it did. Then the stone fell and burned me again."

Aisling freezes. "Again?"

Rowan curses to herself and pulls away from her grandmother only for Aisling to grab onto her arm. "Tell me, Rowan."

Rowan pulls up her pant leg to reveal the other golden scar. This one is worse than the one on her hand, despite having been in contact with the strange stone Astrila gave her for less time. But her leg didn't have the protection her hand did. Rowan's grandmother touches the scar with trembling hands, her eyes shadowed.

"And you got this today?" Rowan nods. "How is it already healed?" Rowan's eyes flicker towards the door. Her grandmother leans forward, frowning. "What is it, Rowan?"

Rowan reaches into her bag and pulls out one of the runestones. She waits until the silence rune swirls up to the surface before she speaks. Even so, her voice remains soft, quiet.

"I was healed."

"What's making you nervous, Rowan? Why don't you want to say it?"

"I don't want to hurt Mum."

"Why would your answer hurt your mother? Who healed you?"

Rowan takes a shaky breath. "My dad."

Aisling's mouth drops open. "You met your father?"

Rowan nods, staring down at the bedspread. "Yes. Did you know why he left Mum?"

"No, and I didn't ask."

"He's the king of the Unseelie Court, Gran. He left because he was made king and he thought the risk to me and Mum was too high."

Aisling sighs and reaches out to Rowan. Rowan leans forward gratefully, letting her grandmother hug her and stroke her hair. Rowan sniffles. She thought she was fine with it, but the day has been so rushed she didn't really get time to think. Now she has that time and it's hitting her all at once. Aisling sighs again.

"You were angry, weren't you Rowanberry?"

Rowan nods. "I know I shouldn't be, but yes. He left, no matter the reason. It hurts. He's my dad and I don't even really know him. He hurt Mum, badly."

"I know, Rowanberry, I know. But his intention wasn't to hurt you, either of you. From what I've seen, he loves you both, very much. Don't be too hard on him." Aisling makes an attempt at a smile. "That's my job."

Rowan nods again. "Thank you, Gran."
We are back! NaNo is over, with a win! Frosted Dreams is drafted and ready to be posted(when Seelie Curse is done)

Now, what do you think of this chapter? Sorry I don't have more questions, but . . . I don't think this one really needs any. Just tell me your thoughts on it, please.

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~Goddess of Fate, signing out.

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