Chapter 41

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Light flares around the runestone and heat ripples off of Ro, hitting the rest of them in waves. Astrila winces at the dryness of it, feeling like the heat is stripping her flesh of its moisture. Rowan twists in place, unconsciously trying to pull away from the runestone. The Forest King barks out orders, his words clipped in desperation.

"Hold her down!"

Astrila lunges for Ro's shoulders, gripping them tightly. She can feel the strength going into the attempted movements, but Astrila is stronger than Ro's unconscious movements. Kyma moves down by Ro's feet, holding her legs down. The Forest King presses the stone against Ro's skin so hard that Astrila's a bit worried he'll leave a bruise. A wordless cry escapes Ro's lip and her back arches.

She slumps back into the dirt, her head lolling to the side. Green spreads around her, plants sprouting from the earth. The Forest King's eyes widen and he mutters something beneath his breath. The air around them ripples, like a wave of energy is sweeping out from him. Astrila sways for a moment, the energy coursing through her. She glances between the blooming flowers and the Forest King.

"What did you do?"

"A glamour on the clearing."

Astrila frowns and looks at the flowers again. The vibrant purple colours, the golden yellow petals scattered among them. Ro had said they were rare, that they meant something. But she didn't know what they had meant. Astila swallows and lifts her gaze to look at the Forest King. His gaze flicker up to meet hers, the bright green-gold colour clear for just a moment before he looks away. Astrila frowns at him.

"What do the flowers mean?"

She doesn't phrase it like a question, her tone leaving no room for evasion. The Forest King stays silent, focusing on Ro. Astrila sighs.

"They mean what I think they do, don't they? They're a danger to her if anyone else sees."

He nods slightly and touches Ro's skin. At a glance, Astrila thinks she can see the lack of sweat on her skin where it was before, she's cooling down. The Forest King pulls the stone away and hands it to Astrila. It flickers in her palm for a moment before it grows dark. It's not just the rune on it that's faded, it's the entire stone that's stopped.

The colours that used to shift inside it are gone now, it's like the stone's gone dead. The Forest King stands, stepping away from Ro. Astrila stands too, glaring at him as she moves to the side. Astrila reaches into Kyma's small bubble of water and grabs the Ludeag's heart, tucking it into her pocket.

The Forest King halts for a moment, startled by Astrila's reaction. She can feel the energy rippling off of him, trying to divert her attention. His glamour. But with the Ludeag's influence on her, the glamour can't affect her. Astrila's glare deepens and she moves closer to the Forest King.

"What are you doing?"

"I have to go, she can't see me."

"And why not?"

The Forest King sighs. "It's dangerous. Seeing me isn't safe for her."

"Why? Because you're her-"

He gives her a piercing look just as Ro groans. The Forest King's eyes snap down to the girl and he steps back. Astrila reaches out to grab his arm.

"You're not leaving."

He glares at Astrila. "Let go of me."

"I'll let go of you if you say you won't leave."

Ro groans again, shifting on the ground. Out of the corner of her eye, Astrila can see Kyma pull the water away from Ro's skin and back into the ball of water. Astrila's nails dig into the Forest King's arm. If he wants to leave, he's going to have to hurt himself to do it. But he doesn't pull away, his gaze stuck on Ro. Her eyes slip open, dull with exhaustion. She slowly comes back to awareness, her eyes brightening. Ro blinks several times, looking up at the rest of them. She pushes herself into a sitting position and shivers, wrapping her arms around herself.

"What's going on? Why am I wet?"

Astrila steps over to her, glaring at the Forest King. He'd better not try to leave. He holds his hands up in a wordless assent and she nods. Astrila crouches down by Ro. When she speaks, her voice is soft.

"What do you remember?"

"The Seelie Lord, your stone thing. It fell . . ."

Ro jolts, twisting to look at her leg. That must have been where the Ludeag's heart touched her, not her hand like Astrila had thought. There is a golden spot on her leg, similar to the scars on Astrila and Kyma. But this one is rippled, the sign of a burn scar.
Why would seeing the Forest King not be safe for Rowan? Why won't Astrila let him leave? What was Astrila going to say about him? What's going to happen next? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~Goddess of Fate, signing out.

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