" Amelia, You are fired. You don't need to come and make sure to receive your monthly paycheck from the receptionist desk",
He said and ended the call.

I felt so relieved now as I stare at him.

" Don't you trust me? " He said with a disapproval look.

"It's not like that ", I said in a hesitant tone.

He rolled his eyes and slammed the bedroom door. I was feeling guilty for not trusting him but he would have done the same if he was in the same situation.

I cautiously twisted the doorknob and peek in. He was sitting on the bed switching the channels on the television.

I switch off the T.V and he glared at me. I quietly crawled to the bed and fitted myself in his arms.

" It's not my entire fault. You would have done the same ", I said cupping his cheeks.

" I would have not splashed water on someone's face. I would have act maturely ",
He said with a scoff.

" Oh. What is maturity according to you? Threatening someone or breaking their jaw", I said with a smirk.

He heaved a sigh and said,
" But you surely overreact towards the situation ".

" Fine. But if some man has flirted with me, what would you had done? " I asked him with a smirk.

His jaw ticked as he glare at me.

"I wouldn't have spared him ", He said clenching his jaw.

" You are acting very mature ", I said in a sarcastic tone earning a hard glare from him.

" Why are you so insecure? No one can ever come between us ", He said pushing my hair locks behind my ears.

" I am not insecure. But I get an ill-feeling when I see you with any girl ", I said looking at him.

" That's called jealousy. Aww, my baby is jealous ", He said pinching my cheeks as he burst into laughter.

" I am not jealous ", I said huffing.

" On a serious note, if any situation comes ever then we will sort it out in the first place. I don't want us to argue over the third person ", He said kissing my cheeks.

" And I felt bad for Amelia. You just spoiled her whole makeup. You don't how much effort she takes while doing makeup", He said in a serious tone.

I look at him and we both burst into laughter.

"You should have seen her face. Her whole make-up was destroyed and she was looking no less than the Annabelle doll ", He said while laughing.


After dinner, I change into my nightwear. I took out my favorite book from my bag. I always carry books with me no matter what.

Fahad is in the living room working on his project. I started reading the book as I sprawled on the bed. I saw Fahad coming into the room with a smirk.

I move my gaze to the book and continue reading it.

He lay down beside me and stare at me. I was getting distracted by him.

He plopped his elbow and stare at me with a beautiful smile.

" Why you are distracting me?" I asked as I closed the book.

" I am not distracting you. You are looking so beautiful that I couldn't help but stare at you ", He said with a smirk.

" I want to read the book ", I said to him.

" Your handsome husband is beside you and you want to read the book ", He said as he pulled me in his arms.

I put away the book as I was not interested in reading further.

" I want to show you something ", He said carrying me in the bridal style to the attached balcony. There was a small comfy bed and fairy lights. We sat on the bed and stare at a beautiful moon and a sky. I put my head on his chest enjoying this beautiful moment of my life. He secured his hands around my waist. We didn't speak a word but the beautiful silence speaks a thousand things. We spend our whole night in each other arms.


As we reached his workplace, we were greeted by the receptionist.

Don't ask me why I am here today. What would I have to do sitting in one place? So I came here with Fahad. The main reason is I have to be alert. What if he had another psychopath admirer here.

" I am going to a meeting. You can stay here", He said as we reached the waiting room.

I nodded my head and he smiled.

"Don't miss me so much. I will be back in an hour ", He said with a smirk.

" She won't miss you because we are going to talk about a lot of stuff ", Ms. Rina interrupted.

" So, I will leave you two alone ", Fahad said and pecked my forehead.

" Aww. You both are so cute. I wish my husband could be like you. He was never a romantic one ", she said with a chuckle.

Fahad smiled at us and went away from the room.

" You are looking so pretty ", she said hugging me.

" Thank you", I said with a smile.

"Are you coming to the party tonight? Don't tell me that you are not coming. You have to come ", she said as we sat on the couch.

" I don't know about the party ", I said with confusion.

" Fahad must have forgotten about it. Tonight there will be a celebration because some sort of deal is signed ", she said excitingly clutching my hands.

" And you will be there with me. I don't want to hear 'no' for an answer ", she said sternly leaving no space for argument.

" I will come with Fahad ", I said with a smile.

" You are the sweetest ", she said pulling me for a hug.

She passed me a brown bag which was beside her.

" You have to wear this. Consider it as your wedding present", she said to me.

"What is it? " I asked out of my curiosity.

"It's a sari and it will suit you. I am also wearing the sari. It will surely look good on us ", she said excitedly.

I nodded my head with excitement.

" Do you know how to wear it? " she asked me.

I nodded me and she smiled. All thanks to Hania for teaching me how to wear it.

I don't know why but I felt like this party is not so exciting. I felt like something wrong is going to happen.


Authors note:

Assalamu alaikum readers,
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In the last chapter, everyone wants to kill Fahad. But are you all still angry with Fahad?

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Love y'all

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