Chapter 25 - Louella

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An. This chapters going to be more from Scorpius's point of view than Rose's, that's just how it turned out. Sorry for the wait. Next chapter should be up soon.

By the time Scorpius reached breakfast next morning the Great Hall was almost full. He'd over selpy from his night before and had been hoping that Rose had done the same so they could walk to breakfast together but from a quick glance at the Slytherin Table it seemed she hadn't.

Scorpius made his way over to the group of Second Years and plonked himself down on the seat opposite Rose. He smiled at her. After last night he was sure they were on good terms again.

"There you are Scorpius." Indie exclaimed and he turned towards her. "I was just saying to Rose that I wondered where you'd got to wasn't I Rose?"

"Indeed you were." Rose said coldly, catching both of their attentions. Scorpius looked towards her. She glared at him as she pushed herself up from the table and resettled in between Alex and Sia.

"Oh dear." Indie exclaimed. "Whatever you two have got going on could you please clear it up Scorpius? It's very annoying. I had hoped you'd fixed it last night."

"So had I." Scorpius muttered as she moved to sit opposite Rose. He stabbed his sausage angrily and took a bite before abandoning it. No longer hungry he stood up swinging his bag over his and headed to his first lesson leaving behind most of his breakfast." Stupid Ronnie..." He mumbled taking a kick at a nearby bench. Thankfully he missed but it did cause him to trip over and stumble out of the Great Hall his cheeks tinged pink and cursing Ronnie and Gryffindor house.

Scorpius trudged to transfiguration wishing that he had something else, it wasn't his favorite subject mainly because he stuggled in some aspects, something he didn't like doing and would never admit to Rose but it meant he had to study harder. He reached the class room and threw his bag on a nearby desk.

"Could you possibly move to the front Scorpius?"

"What?" Scorpius asked startled looking up at his Professor, a short middle aged witch and deputy head of Hufflepuff house.

"The front of the class dear, just here by the window, your not in trouble or anything, I'm putting a seating plan into place. I noticed that your grades are slightly above average and Louella is struggling so I hoped you might help her."

"No not at all." He muttered although he was thinking the exact opposite. Picking up his bag he slouched across the room and threw it onto the desk he'd been told to sit at. He rested his head in his arms, using it as a pillow he attempted to catch up with the sleep he'd missed from last night. He waited for the class to arrive. He'd only just began to block out their groaning about the seating plan when the chair next to him moved. He took no notice of the person next to him until they spoke.

"Hi, Scorpius right?" Scorpius rolled his head to the side and looked at her over the top of his arm. The girl was turned towards him her brown eyes shining, she had a bright smile and rosy cheeks. One arm was resting on the back of the chair, her manicured finger tips curled around it. Her other hand rested on her pleated black skirt that came just past her knees. It moved his eyes followed it, he watched as she brushed her long chocolate waves behind her right shoulder. He nodded.

"I'm Louella, I'm in Ravenclaw. Your in Slytherin aren't you? I've seen you about before." Scorpius watched as she lifted her bag onto the desk and proceeded to removed a see through Pencil case with lines that reminded him of the math paper he'd had in the muggle primary school his father had made him attend. He tuned into what she was saying as she unscrewed a white waterbottle, her voice was like music. "I couldn't believe my luck when Professor Hawthorn said it would be you I would be sitting by, I was terrified I'd have to sit by some Weasley, I heard she's bloodthirsty that's why she wasn't in Gryffindor and after that Quidditch match I wouldn't put it past her."

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