Chapter 20 - Surprise

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"Your staying here for Christmas!" Indie exclaimed, staring at Rose across the desk. They were currently sat in Charms and the Professor, being their head of House, had asked who would be remaining at Hogwarts for the holidays.

"Yes, that's what I just told Professor Blackett." Rose replied bending over her charms notes.

"But you can't, you'll be all on your own!"

"Alex is staying as well." Rose replied not taking her eyes of the parchment in front of her.

"You could have come to mine or... Scorpius's"

"We're going to my Grandparents for Christmas." Scorpius said from her other side.

"Well, you could have at least said," Indie replied shooting a glare at the blond boy before continuing to lecture Rose. "I would have stayed as well."

"As kind as that offer is, you were extremely excited about returning home five minutes ago. Besides if I were to be leaving Hogwarts, I would return home."

"You said that very posh."

"In other words Indie." Scorpius said, "She means no."

"I got that!"

Feeling daggers in her neck, Rose looked up from her work, ignoring Indie and Scorpius arguing. She turned in her seat her arm resting on the back of her chair. Albus was sat two rows away directly behind her. He was staring right at her, his eyes narrowed, she wouldn't exactly call it glaring but it was clear he wasn't happy with her. Rose sighed, feeling a sinking sensation in her heart, he'd been like it ever since that day in the Library. He just used to ignore her, which had worked fine for her but now he seemed to be thoughtfully and murderously scrutinizing her as though her couldn't work her out.

Rose bit her lip and turned back to the front of the classroom, she couldn't wait for Christmas break which would start at the end of the week. She wouldn't be harassed by her cousins for 2 while weeks, she could live in a calm peaceful bliss, she wouldn't have to worry about being attacked. Rose closed her eyes and took in a deep breath relishing the thought.

"Are you okay Rose?" She opened her eyes to see Scorpius and Indie watching her with funny expressions. She smiled and nodded, turning away from them she continued to write. Really Rose? Really? Think how silly you looked!


"Bye Rose!" Indie yelled walking backwards so she could see her for longer. "Don't forget to write and make sure you leave some of your homework to do with me. Bye! Happy Christmas!"

"Bye Indie!" Rose shouted back, slightly less enthusiastic than her friend, there was only so many times one could say good bye. She bit back a laugh as Indie resisted Scorpius's attempts to turn her around so she didn't trip over. "Bye Scorpius!" The blonde boy lifted his head, giving her a short nod of acknowledgement and raised his hand in a small waving before continuing to hiss instructions at Indie. It eventually took both him and Jayce to drag Indie out of the school gates and stop saying her goodbyes.

"You'd think she was leaving for 2 months not 2 weeks." Alex said, who was stood besides her watching them go. "Come on lets go back inside. It's freezing out here."

"Yeah," Rose mumbled and with one last at the distant black blobs that were her friends she ran after him. "So where are we going?"

"Don't mind, we could go to the Library. Get a head start on the homework." Rose agreed begrudgingly. Although she was top of the class she preferred to work in the common room because unlike Alex, who was very studious but not as smart, she didn't need the library as much.

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