Chapter 49 - Molly, Louis and Hugo

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"Hugo?" Rose whispered. The rusty haired boy spun around, his eyes fixing on his sister. She looked a mess. "Hugo?" She whispered his name again. He stared at her, remaining where he was. The only movement he made was when people jostled him as they passed, whispering and casting glancing back at Rose but she didn't notice.

"Come to brag about winning?" He asked trying to be joyful but he didn't smile. 

Rose didn't reply, she merely repeated his name again. "Hugo." She said her face blank. Hugo continued to stare at her. She was still dressed in her Quidditch gear, it was soaked through and from her knees down, caked in mud. Her hair hung in a watery dark red mess, falling from her ponytail. Her skin was a chalky white beneath her freckles and dark circles hung beneath her eyes. Water trickled down her face but she did little to wipe it away, it clung to her eye lashes and pooled at the end of her nose. "I need to tell you something."

Hugo moved towards his sister, pushing through the students hustling about them. A few complained as he elbowed them but barely any of them glanced at the first year. Sometimes it was useful being the youngest in the school. He thought.

Rose's eyes never left her brother as he approached. Hugo noticed that they were bloodshot and red although he couldn't tell whether she'd actually been crying or not due to the rain covering her pale cheeks. He grasped hold of her wet sleeve and dragged her out of the chaotic students. She followed obidiently, like a puppet or puppy. 

"What's wrong?" Hugo asked, when they were hidden safetly behind a tapsetry. He looked up at her, only slightly though, there was about 2 inches in height difference between them. 

She stared at him silently, barely blinking. "Rose?" He questioned when she didn't answer. Rose moved her eyes from him for the first time, her gaze going to a loose piece of thread on her robes that she began to play with. "What's wrong Rose?" Hugo asked again, feeling as though he were the oldest not her.

Rose squeezed her eyes shut. Her hands fell to her sides, clenched. Hugo stared at her confused, she looked as though she was fighting something invisible. She was. Her mind was wirring. She coulnd't think properly. Scorpius continued to inturrpt her thoughts every few seconds, causing her to loose any grip she'd got on them. Rose! Where are you? Speak to me! The only time she'd replied was to tell him the spell to stop it. The rest of the Quidditch Team had, all except him. It was driving her crazy, hearing his voice inside her head, talking over her thoughts. 

Finally, when there was a lull in his shouting.She looked up, her eyes opening locking on Hugo's clear blue waiting ones. Her hands unclecnhed and clutched at the sleaves of her soaking green robes. 

"It's Louis." Rose managed to say. Hugo eye's widened expectantly. He didn't say anything though, almost as though he knew she hadn't finished. Rose! Where are you? She ignored Scorpius, even though she could feel him running frantically around the castle. 

"I-I-I left him." She croaked. Hugo looked at her startled. "I...left...him." Her voice began to crack. "On th-the pitch...Injured."

"Is he okay?" Hugo gasped. "We have to go to him. Come on." He spun around heading towards the tapestry. He stopped when he realised she hadn't moved. "Rose? Come on." He urged, turning back to look at her. She was still stood exactly where he'd left her, staring where his eyes had been.

Slowly and then faster, Rose shook her head. "I c-can't." Hugo thought he heard her whisper. "I can't." 

"Come on." She shook her head again, bowing it. Hugo glanced between her and the door torn between which to choose. Then with one last heart rendering look he pushed open the tapestry door and disappeared through it. 

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