Chapter 6 - Snakes

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3 months later

"I can't wait to go home for Christmas!" Indie exclaimed as they stowed their luggage in the overhead racks. "I can't wait to see Davy and my mum again!"

"Yeah it's gonna be really fun." Rose mumbled throwing herself into a seat besides the window.

"Oh cheer up Rosie!" Indie replied sitting down next to her. "We've still got the whole trian ride left and can write to each other and you can write to Scorpius, the twins and Alex."

"Yeah." She nodded and began to wonder why she'd agreed to go home, part of it was the fact that she didn't want to stay at Hogwarts on her own with Ivy and Isabelle and another was the fact that a small part of her was hoping that she'd be welcomed home and everything would be like it was last year. Although secretly she knew nothing would ever be the same again.

Over the past three moths the only family members she'd spoken to was Dominique, her brother and her parent's to inform them she was coming home. They hadn't bothered to reply though she only knew they were expecting her because of Hugo. She hadn't spoken to Albus since the argument except in class when it was absolutely necessary. The rest of her cousin's she'd been ignoring although they hadn't exactly taken the hint and she'd find her self surrounded or tripped over in the corridor. She'd once again punched James but he couldn't help himself and along with Molly and Fred kept coming back for more. She hadn't fought with Victoire and Louis, they occasionally acknowledged her existence when they passed but apart from that she hadn't spoken with them.

Although the train ride was enjoyable, she wanted it to last forever and the thought of what was waiting at the other end ruined the fun. The dread of seeing her family again hovered over head disrupting the what should have been one last memorable time before she joined her family.

As they traveled Rose thought of the last time she'd been on the train, it was the last time she'd spoken to Albus properly, before the sorting, before everything changed. They'd spent the train ride eating as many sweets as they could, joking about and chatting about the adventure that was to come, neither of them could have guessed what was awaiting them when they arrived and neither would know that was the last memory they'd have of their friendship.

"Rose! Rose!" She looked up to see Scropius stood above her. "Rose we've arrived are you coming?"

"Yeah." She sighed and slowly got up, she'd been trying to avoid getting off the train for as long as possible but now the moment was here she really didn't want it to happen. She lifted her trunk and Tiger from the luggage rack checking he was stowed safely before joining Indie waiting at the door for her.

"I'm sure it won't be that bad." Indie said.

"It will be."

"You could always come over to my house if you need to." Scoprius said and they climbed from the train.

"Thanks." Rose replied holding back as the other two moved forward.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Indie asked, feebly Rose nodded, she gulped and moved towards the group of redheads. She looked back at her friend before stepping forward and joined the edge of the group halfheartedly hoping someone would notice her. She couldn't see either of her parents, she hoped they were late rather than decided to leave her at the station.

"Ah Rose there you are!" She looked up to see Ginny talking to her and for a fleeting moment she wished it were her mother not Albus's. She smiled up at her aunt. "Oh and these must be your friends. Ginny Potter."

Scorpius put his owl down and stuck out his hand. "Pleasure to meet you Mrs Potter, how do you do, I'm Scorpius Malfoy." Ginny shook his hand but before she could say anything Indie broke in. "Ginny Potter? As in the famous Quidditch Star!"She exclaimed. After discovering Quiddtich Indie had been hooked by it, her favorite team was the harpies. "Rose you didn't say she was your aunt!"

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