Chapter 2 - Breakfast

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It took Rose a long time to fall asleep that night, her thoughts were full of her family's reaction to her sorting, and when she did her dreams were haunted by her parents. 

"You know Ron, Rose might not be in Gryffindor." Hermione said, placing her hands on her daughters shoulders and staring at her trunk. It was Scarelet and stuffed with Gryffindor items; scarfs, socks, sweaters, posters, flags, books, parchment. Anything that could be bought in Gryffindor style, Ron had bought.

"Of course Rose is a Gryffindor." Came Ron's cheery reply. "Look at her 'Mione."

Hermione sniffed. "I dunno, she could be put in Ravenclaw, your always saying she'd smart."

"But she's got dad's attitude to work." Hugo added from where he was sat on Rose's bed, reading a comic. 

"Exactly." Ron said clapping him on the shoulder. "And if she is in Ravenclaw, I'll personally make sure that that hat never sorts another person."


"Don't worry dad." Rose said grinning up at him. "I'll be the best Gryffindor yet."

"That's my girl."

Rose awoke with a start, the memory flooding back. She jolted upright, clutching her knees to her chest. "What am I going to do? What am I going to do?" She whispered into the night, tears flooding down her cheeks. Her dad was going to kill her. After he'd killed the sorting hat of course, but he wasn't going to be her dad anymore was he? He promised he'd disown her if she was anywhere but Slytherin. 

She scooped her ginger cat Tiger in her arms. She berried her face in his fluffy fur smelling his catty scent. "At least you don't hate me." She whispered feeling truly alone. Her cousins hated her, and so would her parents when they found out if they didn't already know. She dreaded writing to them. Rose tried to stop the tears that fell but it didn't work. It didn't take long for Tiger's fur to get wet, she managed a chocked laugh as Tiger didn't appear to mind at all, he just struggled free and wandered across her lap. Purring he head butted her stomach. "Well if you don't mind being in Slytherin, then neither should I, at least I've got you to keep me company." Still watching her cat Rose pulled back the green hangings, swung her over the edge of her bed and stood. She shivered as her feet moved from the soft rug to the cold stone. As quietly as possible opened her trunk and removed her jeans, a dark blue shirt and a pair of white socks. She pulled them on along with her blue boots picked up her wash-bag and found her way to the bathroom. It was at the end of the dormitory nearest the door.

Once she'd cleaned her teeth, attacked her hair with a brush and washed her face she made her way back to her bed. She put her stuff away and began to unpack her belongings. It didn't take her long. When she was finished she took out a parchment, ink and quill and sat down on her bed. She stared at the page, quill posed above the parchment. She thought for a moment before putting it down and after a moment picking it up once more. This happened several more times before she gathered her writing things and a muggle fiction book in her arms and making her way down to the common room hoping that she might have more inspiration down there.

The common room was deserted, according to the large clock hanging on one of the walls it was 6:30 which was fairly early considering it was a Saturday. Rose found a table by the window and placed her stuff on it before standing and watching the fish swim by. She watched a particularly large one until it swam into the murk and was impossible to sea anymore. "I wish I was a fish." she muttered to herself looking into the gloom for anymore signs of life.

"Do you?" Rose jumped as Scorpius appeared besides her. "It would be pretty boring if you ask me."

"Yes-No-I-I don't know." Rose muttered feeling her cheeks tinge pink and her ears begin to burn. "I just...- if I was I wouldn't have to face my family."

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