Chapter 41 - The Match

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"Brr...It's a bit cold in here." Scorpius said sitting down at the breakfast table and reffering to the icy atmosphere amoungst the group Slytherins."You didn't catch any of James hyperthermia did you?" Rose sent him to most dealdest glare she could muster before moving away.He watched her surpirsed. Scorpius turned to Indie for answers but she was far to busy casting filthy looks at Ivy. He looked at her a questioning look on his face.

"They had a fight last night." Sia supplied when she didn't answered. "Rose got mad at Isabelle, so Isabelle insulted her, so Indie punched her for and Ivy defended Isbaelle by insulting Indie. So Rose punched Ivy. They started fighting. Indie went to help her. Sam joined Ivy. Then Jayce joined. If I hadn't stopped them they'd still be there."

"That is a fight." Scorpius said surprised. He'd been expecting a some insults with a few punches. "Why didn't you call me back." Sia raised her eyebrow as if to state why.

"Flint." Rose said coldly, standing behind the silver haired girl. She spun around, her eyes narrowing slightly at the sight of the Slytherin Thorn. "Why did you save me last night?"

"You needed saving, I wasn't going to let you get eaten by your family. I also wasn't going to let you blow it for us all."

"You think I would have snitched on you?"

Isabelle raised her eyebrow. "You were ready to believe we'd do it last night."

"It's different." Rose said, having the decency to go red. "I loath every last one of them. If I could I'v crush them all to pulp." 

"I thought that's what beaters are meant to do. Crush the enemy." Isabelle said, smirking. Rose glared at her. She remained there for a moment. Isabelle eyeing her. Then as if coming to a descision she spoke. "How about we make a deal?"

"That's how this started." Rose stated harshly, her glare deepening. 

"Deal not dare." Rose coughed and it sounded suspiciously like the word 'Threats'. Isabelle ignored it and continued. "How about we just forget about the fight and become allies again?"

Rose considered it for a moment. "What's in it for you?"


"What I mean is the fact that you don't do anything for free. There has to be something in it for you."

"Look weasel. I'm going to be cheering for Slytherin so I might as well have something to cheer for. I'm certaintly not going to be cheering for that cousin of mine."

For once Rose held back anhy words of defence for Scorpisu. She felt that it wouldn't do the situation any good. She studied Isabelle for a while before coming to a conclussion. "Alright but if you ever cross me again, go behind my back or we come into another situation like this I get that locket." Rose pointed at the silver locket hanging around Isabelles neck. She knew it was prescious to the girl, she'd heard ehr braggging about it to Ivy. It had been in the Flint family for generations and had been given to Isabelle by grandmother, who she'd been very close to, just before she died.

"Well played Weasley." Isabelle said afetr a moment's pause. Rose smirked. She knew she'd 'played well' just from the girl's reaction. Her face had paled slightly and her hand wrapped around the necklace. "In true Slytherin style." She spat on her other hand and held it out. "Deal." Rose coppied her and they shook hands.

"Indie." Rose said sharply, moving away from Isabelle. Indie spun around, her frown fading. "Remember, We're all on the same side." Indie gave her friend a funny look but otherwise said nothing more. She turned away and stabbed at her bacon.

"You've changed your tune." Scorpius stated as she slipped into the seat besides him.

"Fighting is pretty much pointless." Rose replied slightly smug. She began nibbling on a slice of strawberry jam on toast. Scorpius raised his eyebrow. "And I made a deal that if they tried something like that again she has to give me the Flint Family Locket."

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