Chapter 12 - End of Summer

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And worse it was going to get. The rest of Rose's week at Indie's was the best she'd had in ages, she met Indie's almost step sister Maddie, who Rose thought was like an older version of Indie. But all to soon her week had ended and she was stood once again outside her house. As they pulled up outside they discovered Fred, James, Albus and Louis sat outside on the terrace. All four boys looked up as the car swept into the drive. Rose watched them as she got out the car and collected her belongings which Davy, who had been forced to come, passed to her. "Well, bye then." Rose said turning and lifting her hand in a wave as she walked towards her house. Indie glared her at her brother who had his elbow resting on her shoulder before replying. "Bye Rose! See you at the end of summer." 

"Bye!" Rose called, taking one last looked behind her as she trudged towards her house keeping her gaze on her male cousins still watching her. Indie waved one last time before sliding into the backseat of the car next to her brother. She watched her friend from the window as they drove away and out of sight.

"Hey Rose!" Fred called and she stopped to look at him. "What house is her brother in? Is he a Slytherin as well?"

Rose rolled her eyes an pushed open the front door of her house. "Hey, Rose! You've got to answer!"

"He doesn't go to Hogwarts. He's a muggle but he's a nicer than you'll ever be." She shouted slamming the front door on their whistling. Leaving her luggage by the door she wandered around down stairs. She popped her head around the living room door to see Hugo, Lucy, Roxanne and Lily. 

"Hi Rose." Hugo and Lucy chimed.

"Hi Hugo, Lucy." said Rose gazing around the room, they were gathered around the coffee table and had a game George had invented spread out on the table. "Lily, Roxanne." Both girls ignored her unlike Lucy and Hugo who had nodded at her. "Where are mum and dad?"

"Dad's with Uncle Harry and Mum's gone shopping." Hugo replied, Rose nodded.

"Hugo! It's your go!" Lily said waving a hand in front of his face. He turned towards her leaving Rose to go upstairs and unpack. Once she'd finnished she wandered down stairs and out into the large garden to find her Dad, Uncle Percy, Uncle George and Uncle Harry help Aunt Audrey and Aunt Angeline set up a long table and barbecue.
"Hello Rose." Audrey said smiling at her as she passed with a stack of plates. "Ginny's just gone into her house to get the food. Would you go help her?"

Rose nodded even though it was one of the last things she wanted to do as it meant walking past her cousins. She hurried across the terrace hoping they wouldn't notice her. Unfortunately she didn't have much luck.
"Hey Rose!" James shouted when she was halfway across. "What were you snakes up to? Plotting to blow up Gryffindor Tower?"

"Never you mind." Rose shot back picking up speed.

"But I do mind. I kind of live there." Rose rolled her eyes and continued. "Don't walk away Rose! Only Cowards walk away. Perhaps that's why your in Slytherin."

Rose froze and slowly turned to look at him. "Say that again." She whispered survaying her cousins. Fred sat smirking glancing between James stood beside him and her. Albus was picked up a nearby book but he clearly wasn't reading it, the book itself was upside down and entitled A Guide to the Magical Law and Roles of House Elves. She didn't have to guess who wrote it. The title alone suggested it as written by her mother.

"Are you suggesting that all Slytherin's are cowards?" Rose said her eyes flicking towards Louis who was walking quickly and uncomfortably away. He'd never liked to pick fights and had never had anything against Slytherins but neither had he exactly supported her.

"Well, other than evil, what else do you think they'll be?"

"They're not noble Saints like Gryffindor's. If that's what your saying." Rose replied coldly.

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