Chapter 3 - Confrontation

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As the weekend passed and Rose spent more time with the Slytherin's she found herself liking them more but the more she liked them the more she worried about her family. Excluding Dominique they all seemed to be ignoring her, apart from meals she hadn't seen a single one. She'd looked over to the Gryffindor table a number of times but each time she looked they either glared at her or determinedly looked in the opposite direction.

The worst part was when she'd crashed into Fred, he'd merely glanced down at her on the floor and seeing who it was walked off without muttering a single word.

"Are you okay?" Sia had asked concerned as Indie helped her up and Scorpius and Jayce glared after Fred's retreating figure. Rose had shook her head feeling tears welling in her eyes, she'd turned away not wanting her new friends to see her cry. "You can't have hurt yourself, you didn't fall that hard." Indie had said and Rose could feel them all watching her.

"I don't think it was the fall that hurt her." Sia had said coming up besides her. "Come on lets go back to the common room."

They had hurried her towards the dungeons and after reaching the common room sat her on the sofa and attempted to cheer her up. Sensing a problem Katie had come up. "Hey, What's wrong? It's Rose isn't it?" Rose had managed to nod before berrying her face in her hands.

"It's her family." Indie said seeing Rose couldn't answer. "They don't like her cause she got in Slytherin not Gryffindor."

"Hey it's okay, you've got us. I'll tell you a secret, I'm like you, All my family are Hufflepuffs, they were a bit shocked at first but they came around eventually except my younger brother. He's a 3rd year Gryffindor and an absolute wart. My family still love me for who I am even if I am in Slytherin, I didn't change just because I was in a different house. I'll give you a bit of advice someone once told me, Being in Slytherin doesn't change who you are, your still you and if they can't see that then maybe they aren't your true family."

Rose had removed her face from her hands and stared up at Katie sat besides her. "I-if they aren't," She chocked, "M-my true f-fam-ily then who-o is?"

Katie had smiled at her and said, "Look around you," She had got up and left leaving Rose to gaze around. All she had seen was her new friends staring at her, was that what Katie had meant? Were they going to be her true family?

Rose thought about what Katie had said the night before as she got dressed. As she sat on her bed brushing her hair she'd gazed around at her dorm mates also preparing for their first day of lessons. Was what Katie had said true? She wasn't sure how they could be her family, Ivy and Isabelle had hardly said anything to her on the other hand Indie hadn't stopped talking to her, she was quite chatty but Rose liked her, she was fun to be around and din't seem to worry about anything or maybe didn't have anything to worry about unlike Rose. Although she said a lot she didn't seem to say much compared to Sia who could say loads in about 3 words. Rose wasn't sure about Sia, she liked her but she couldn't figure her out. She hung out with Ivy and Isabelle a lot even though she knew they didn't exactly want her. However she would still hang out with Jayce, Scorpius, Alex, Indie and Rose. She was very different to Jayce. He was open and loud compared to his sister who was quiet but somehow made her presence known, you always knew when she was there.

Rose watched her reflection straighten her tie and couldn't help thinking that it could have been red and gold not green and silver. She jumped as Indie appeared next to her. "How are you doing your hair?" She asked, "Since our hair is the same we could do our hair in a matching style and then we'll be twins."

"Um alright then." Rose said although she couldn't see how wearing the same uniform and having their hair identical (Apart from the colour) would make them twins, they didn't look that similar, Indie was taller with a thinner, longer face, a slim nose and high cheek bones, her skin wasn't as pale as Rose's and she didn't have freckles like Rose who had them scattered across her nose, Indie's eyes were more of a yellowy brown than Rose's chocolate ones.

The Slytherin ThornOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora