Chapter 11 - Indie's house

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"You know," Indie said as she and Rose packed their things into the car, the week had flown by fast and although Rose was disappointed it was over she couldn't wait to see Indie's house. "Now I've seen your cousin in his natural habitat he doesn't seem that bad."

Rose snorted and burst into a fit of giggles earning a glare from Albus who was sat on the terrace with Ronnie watching them suspiciously. "I suppose he isn't that bad..." Rose said in a whisper glancing over at him. "I think he just gets led on by James and the others."

"I'm glad James decided to stay at Fred's an extra week, this week would have been hell if he hadn't." Rose nodded in agreement.

"You girls ready to go?" Hermione asked truing to smile, she approached the car kay's jangling in her hand, they both nodded.

"And..." Rose muttered slipping into the back seat and sliding along it so Indie had room. "It means Mum and Dad haven't had a chance to ask him about the fight."

"Shame they didn't ask Albus."

"They seem to think he won't know since we don't talk." Rose muttered in a hushed voice so her Mum wouldn't hear. She turned to the window to open it, leaning out she waved at Albus sarcastically as the car drove off and he disappeared from view. The last thing she saw of him was his suprised glare after her.

"So how long does it take to get to your house?" Rose asked Indie when they'd been travelling for about ten minutes.

"Depends on what your counting in. It would seem quite quick if you count in days but it would seem quite long if you count in seconds."

Indie's front door, Rose discovered, could not be reached car which, she also discovered, was a bad thing when it was raining. Indie's small house was accessed through a long thin garden with a high fence and gate which backed onto an alley way with countless other long thin gardens attached to identical house's. Hermione parked the car at the end of the alleyway and the girls got out into the rain which had began since they left Rose's house. Indie opened the boot and collected her's and Rose's luggage whilst her friend said goodbye to her mother. Both girls then dashed down the alleyway as fast as they could with a bag on their back and a suitcase in their hand. Halfway down it Indie unbolted a wooden gate that looked identical to the ones on either side and pulled Rose into the patio'd garden. There was a shed on one side and steps down to the front door, and by the time they reached it they were soaking wet. 

"Hello!" Indie shouted pushing the door open to reveal an untidy laundry room. Rose followed her inside and watched as Indie squeezed the water from her hair. "Hello! Is anybody home?" Besides them the tumble drier and washing machine which had been making a racket stopped for a moment and in the gap of silence the sound of faint music reached their ears. "I don't believe it!" Indie exclaimed and stopped squeezing water out of her hair, she marched through the the corridor to the kitchen and pulled open the patio door. The music became louder as she strode through the rain and across the overgrown patio towards the corrugated iron shed. Rose remained on the doorstep not wanting to get wet but she heard the music stop and  Indie shouting at someone. "What are you doing?"

"Your back?"

"Yes, I'm back Davy!"

"I thought you were coming back on Saturday."

"It is Saturday! Mum said your not allowed to have a band and she defiantly said your not allowed to have band practice in our garage!"

"Oh Go away Inds and leave us be. Your so annoying. You come home for five minutes and you start bossy me about. I'm meant to be in charge."

"Your only in charge because your the oldest, and your a rubbish leader as well."

"I'm better than you! If someone put you in charge of a Zoo you'd be in the cages and all the animals would be running free your that bad at it."

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