Chapter 31 - Forgotten

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"Is everyone here?" Asked her eyes scanning the group of children moving about her. She attempted to count them but gave up in the end due to the speed they moved at. "Fred! Here's the floo powder. Dish it out equally! I'll look after the shopping." Angeline passed the pouch to her son over the top of Lily's head. As they all crowded around Fred and were stiller than before she managed to tick them off in her head. One by one they disappeared.

"You go next Hugo?" Roxanne said pushing him into the fireplace. He glared at her as he tripped forward. Just as he was about to step in he stopped.

"What about Rose?" He asked his features melting together in confusion. Out of nowhere he felt someone whack him on the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for?" Hugo exclaimed turning around to face Lily.

"What do you mention her for? You idiot! We might have been able to leave her behind!" Hugo gulped and allowed Lily to drag him into the fireplace, a bubble of guilt growing as he thought of his sister, she could be anywhere and they weren't even going to look for her.

"No!" Hugo stated stopping still and surprising Lily thouraghly, he never questioned her. Out of the two she was in charge, whatever she said went. "No! We're not leaving without her. You may not like her but I do, she's my sister, we can't just leave without her, she's part of the family."

Lily stared at her best friend like she'd never seen him before. Roxanne stepped forward her face similar to Lily's."Are you mad?" She asked.

"This is our chance to get rid of her and your throwing it away?" Lily asked befuddled.

"She's my sister." Hugo stated simply but refused to move.

"She's brainwashed you!" Lily exclaimed. Hugo stared at her in sure what to say anymore. He wished Lucy was there. He always felt more pressured when she wasn't. All four of them were together things were more evend out.

"Can you three get a move on?" It was James, waiting impatiently to join Fred who had already disappeared.

"Hugo's just worrying unnecessarily." Lily said in a sweet voice. She sent him a sickly smile before turning to her brother and grinning toothily at him. "We'll be going now though."

"What about Rose?" Hugo protested again earning a deathly glare from Lily.

"Pfft, who cares about her?" James replied and pushed Hugo into the fireplace. James was much stronger than Lily and Hugo didn't have the strength the resist him. He allowed himself to be shoved in merely whispering, "I do." But no one heard. No one cares whether he liked Rose as long as he didn't end up like her.

Hugo disappeared in a gush of green flames and landed with a thump in his cousins living room. He stumbled to his feet and looked aroumd. The room was empty. Fred and Albus had already vanished. Grabbing the package he'd been carrying from the floor, he left the living room and headed for the kitchen. He found Albus sat at the end of the table reading a quidditch comic. He looked up and smiled at Hugo. "You mum and dad are back. They're in the dinning room with Uncle George."

"Really!" Hugo asked excitedly, a grin spread across his face. He momentarily forgot about Rose instead abandoning the package and speeding in the dinning room. He flung the door open and there they were, sat at the table a cup of coffee in front of them. "Mum! Dad!" He yelled racing towards them. They both turned towards him and seeing they're son stood up pushing their chairs back. Unnoticed George slid past them and out the room.

Hugo reached his mother first, running into her open arms. He snuggled into her berrying his face in her neck. He always felt safe in her arms. Eventually he let go and turned to his father. Ron ruffled his hair before bringing him into a hug his hand still on Hugo's head.

The Slytherin ThornOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora