Chapter 19 - Family Foe

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A week and two days later Rose Weasley was dismissed from the hospital wing with a fresh bandage wrapped around her head and strict orders not to carry anything too heavy or do anything that could excert her. Something she found extremely frustrating as it meant missing Quidditch practice and having to ask Scorpius for her bag everytime she need something since he insisted on carrying it.

"What was it like?" Indie asked as they left their last class.

"What was Charms like? Pretty boring but you were the so you'd know." Rose asked with a raised eyebrow causing Scorpius to snort which he quickly turned into a cough.

"No, everything that happened."

"When you say that are you referring to the Quidditch Match, getting hit in the head by a bludger or being stuck in the hospital wing for two weeks?"


"The answers are thrilling terrifying and boring." Rose replied scratching at her bandage. She turned to Scorpius. "Can I have my bag."

"You not meant to be carrying it." Indie replied for the boy. Eyeing her cautiously he handed it over.

"Honestly Inds, I think I can carry my bag on my own. It's not that difficult." Rose said swinging it over her shoulder and opening it.

"But remember what Madam Pomfrey said -

"Not to over exert myself." Rose finished with a grin. "I Know! I Know! It's just carrying my bag and I don't even use my head for that, if anything class hurts my head more."

"Alright, Alright." Scorpius said holding up his hands. "Calm down Weasley."

"You can talk Malfoy."

"Hey, I didn't even say anything."

"Of course not." Rose replied and then adjusting her voice she imitated him. "'Here let me carry you bag.' 'Can I help you Rose?' 'Is your head okay Rose?'"

"Alright, Alright I get the point." Scorpius said as Rose found her wand in her bag, removing it she stuck it in her hair just above her ponytail. It gave off a puff of silver smoke.

"See even her wand agrees." Indie said. All three of them burst out laughing. Rose looked deliberately at her, she'd seen Albus watching her over Scorpius's shoulder.

"Weasley!" All three of them froze, they're laughter died. It was a voice they'd heard many times before and it was not a welcomed sound. It was usually associated with being insulted. "Weasley, 5 points from Slytherin, no hair accessories in School time, that includes hairbands, oh and I'll have another 5 for your wand, safety hazard. So sorry." Molly said not sounding the little bit sorry. "Oh and dying your hair is against school regulations so another 5 for that, oh and another 5 for tryigg to impersonate arostoice families such as the Malfoys."

Rose gaped at her older cousin, her mouth hanging open. "Are you serious? 20 points for getting hit by a bludger, choosing where I put my wand and getting bullied by my cousin?"

"Oh and you can have Detention for that." Molly said otherwise completely ignoring her comment. She marched off, her short red hair bobbing as she walked.

"You've got to be joking?" Indie exclaimed staring after her as the same time Scorpius asked. "Can Prefects even give Detention?"

"I don't know, must be able to and even if they can't Molly will be able to." Indie said still staring after her.

"What's that meant to mean?" Scorpius asked looking at her puzzled.

"It's meant to mean that all Weasleys and Potters get away with everything," Rose said her lips pursed, her heart heavy. "All Weasleys except me."

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