Chapter 50 - McGonagall's Study

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"What's wrong with her?" Alex asked as he slipped onto the sofa besides Indie. He nodded towards Rose. She was sat silently, bent over her transfiguration homework, Scorpius at her side, leaning back every now and then to make suggestions. This was strange enough in it's self, Scorpius never helped Rose with homework, he claimed she was to smart already, to make it even stranger Rose usually only did her homework on a sunday evening at 7 o'clock not halfway through a saturday.

"She's finnally cracked." Jayce muttered. 

"She had a run in with Lucy earlier." Indie stated glaring at Jayce. "She's a bit stressed."

"Oh for goodness sake." Jayce exclaimed. "It's been a week why can't she just calm down and stop worrying about it. He's going to be alright isn't he?"

Scorpius, Alex and Indie all turned to look at him, eyebrows raised. He bit his lip sheepishly. Scorpius opened his mouth to speak but someone cut in before him.

"She can still hear you." Rose stated coldly, she scooped up her books and placed them in her bag. She stood up and went to stride off just as Sia arrived.

"Hey Rose." She said placing a kind hand on her shoulder. "You've got to go to McGonagall's office." 

Rose didn't say anything. She glanced at Sia before dropping her bag on the armchair and walking away, out of the common room. They watched her leave.

"Why's she been sent there do you think?" Sia asked, her eyes trained on the stone door Rose had just exited. 

"Didn't McGonagall tell you?" Scorpius asked looking up at her. 

Sia shook her head. "It was Sam's little brother that told me, said something about her parents. I thought it was best to leave that out." Scorpius nodded.

"I hope she'll be okay." Indie said whistfully without any of her usual excitment for life. "She hasn't been eating properly, you know."

"Yeah, I noticed." Scorpius said. "She's refusing to go to Quiditch Training. She won't even come watch, it's as though she can't get on a broom again. Montague's threatening to replace her but she still won't go."

"Poor Rose." Sia said flopping into a chair, her gaze still trained on the door. They were all watching it, waiting for her return.

"For goodness sake!" Jayce moaned, fed up with their hoplessness. "It's just a bludger. Why can't she just quit moaning about it and get her life back together."

They all turned to look at Jayce, Scorpius stared at him amazed and Indie sent him one of Rose's deadly looks. Before either of them could say anything though, Sia had spoken. "Jayce." She growled. "Please leave."

Jayce looked at his twin in surprise. Then when none of them though he was going to move, he got up and with one last astonished look at her disappeared up the stairs to the dormitory.


Rose wandered down the corridor, her feet dragging against the floor, she had no idea where they were taking her but she hoped it wasn't to the headmistress like she'd been instructed. She rounded a corner and stopped. It was a matter of seconds before she realised that she was stood outside the hospital wing. She glanced at it hopefully, none of her cousins were standing watch outside. 

Slowly, looking around for which ever one had been set to follow her today she aproached it. Her hand was on the handle of the door when it flung open. Rose blinked and looked up at Dominique. The girls face set into a hard stare at the sight of her. "Weasley." She said. Rose gulped. "What do you want?"

"To see Louis." Rose replied peering past her, trying to catch a glimpse of him. Dominique noticed and stepped into the corridor, shutting the door firmy behind her.

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