Chapter 34 - Signed for

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"Are you ready to leave Rose?" Rose looked up from her trunk. Scorpius was stood in the doorway.

"Definitely." She grinned and scooped her cat, Tiger, up. "I can't wait to get back to Hogwarts." She said excitedly, still carrying tiger she followed Scorpius, who took her trunk, out of the room.

"Do you think we'll still be on the Quidditch team?" Rose asked as they walked towards the Malfoy's living room.

"They'd be mad not to put us on." Scorpius said

"Scorpius is right, Rose," A voice said behind them. They turned to see Astoria, dressed smartly in a grey suit and cream coat. "I thought you two and Indie were excellent when you were practicing." Rose smiled. She liked Astoria, she was warm and loving and hadn't hesitated in welcoming her (and Indie, for a week) into the Manor. She'd taken Rose in as though she were her own daughter.

"Talking of Indie, we'd best be going to King Cross otherwise we'll miss the train and you won't see Indie." The three turned to see Draco poking his head out of the living room. He smiled warmly at them. He was so different to how Rose had imagined him. He was nice and kind and listened to what Rose thought on things and helped her with her homework and other things, giving her little tips to help her. He was proof that a person could change if they set their mind to it. She found it hard to belive any of the stuff her father had said about him.

Rose looked across at Scorpius, he nodded slightly. She moved towards the living room. They gathered around the fireplace. Rose attempted to stuff Tiger in her cage whilst Draco disappeared with their luggage. She spent five minutes doing so. Now Tiger was out, he wouldn't go back in.

"Are you ready to go Rose?" Astoria asked when she had at last got Tiger safely locked up. She nodded.

"Thank you Astoria." Rose said wrapping the woman in a tight hug. Astoria patted her own the back before letting go. "I've enjoyed being here."

"It's quite alright. We've enjoyed having you here. Your more than welcome to come back. We'd best get going otherwise Scorpius and Draco will wonder where we've got to."

Rose grinned and picking up Tiger, who growled, she stepped into the fireplace. "Platform 9 and 3/4." A gush of green flames and Rose disappeared from Malfoy Manor.

Moments later Rose tumbled out into the semi deserted platform, it was quite early. She panicked for a second when she thought she couldn't see anyone she knew but then she spotted Scorpius's head and Draco's equally luminous one. She grinned and pushed through she small crowd parting them. "Hey!" She exclaimed appearing with a jump at Scorpius's side. He gave a start and looked at her surprised. His silver moons locked on her chocolate orb and realising it was her grinned. "Hey."

"Have you two found a compartment yet?" It was Astoria. She stood besides her husband clutching her cream handbag.

"We were just going to look for one." Scorpius said. He turned to his father. "You can't see any of the others can you dad?"

Draco turned to look over the heads of the few people already there. He shook his head. "No, I don't think so. I'll keep an eye out though. You go find a compartment."

"Okay. Come on Rose." Scorpius grabbed hold of Rose's hand and dragged her away. They weaved through the crowd, Tiger howling in his basket at the sudden jolts. Finally they reached the train. Scorpius jumped on first before pulling Rose up. They wandered down the train peering into the few occupied compartments. It didn't take long to find an empty one as being very organised the Malfoy had managed to arrive early, despite Draco insisting they'd be late.

The two stowed they're stuff away and Scorpius opped off the train to say goodbye to his parents whilst Rose settled into a window seat, her feet on the one opposite and a book in her hands. She wondered briefly where Hugo was before she opened her book but after that she didn't think anymore about him.

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