Chapter 18 - Heavan

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Muffled voices. Numbness. A buzzing. White. Bright white. A faint pain. Warmth. Rose Weasley was dead. She was surely dead and she'd been sent to Heavan. Surely.

A moan and a stifled groan escaped from her lips. There was a movement besides her as someone shuffled their feet. "What?" Rose tried to say but it came out in a jumbled mess. The person jumped. "Rose?" It was a males voice. One she recognised. It was full of fear and hope. Rose didn't know what they did but she was suddenly able to see and found herself staring up at the most handsome boy ever. His grey eyes full of concern were watching her his cheeks were flushed and his blond hair windswept and messy.

"Whaaat? Whoo? Aw do you know my name?"

"It's me Scorpius." He said looking puzzled, she tried to sit up but he stopped her. "You've got to be careful. You took a bludger to the head, knocked you out. We were afraid you'd have brain damage. Madam Pomfreys raving she's trying to get Quidditch banned. You should hear her! 'Five players injured. Never in my life heard of it!' And guess what Rose we put 3 of them in here! And you should see James hand he's going to have a scar for life."

"Who's James?" She asked. The smile slowly faded from the boy, Scorpius's face.

"You mean you don' t remember?"

"Remember what?"

"The quidditch match. We won!" A smile appeared momentarily as his eyes glazed over in memories.


"Yes, just after you were knocked out, I managed to catch you thankfully, Darwin caught the snitch. You should have seen Johnson face when he woke up and Madam Pomfreys told him the news."

"Why? Who's Johnson and Darwin and what do they have anything to do with it?" Rose asked utterly confused and losing track of what the boy was saying. His face froze and his features dropped in disappointment. Before he could say anything an old but strict witch had appeared.

"Mr Malfoy, I think it would be best if you left now. Miss Weasley needs her rest and you need to change from your Quidditch gear."The witch said survaying the boys muddy clothes.

"Yes ma'am."

"Off you go Malfoy."

"Yes Ma'am." He turned to go but felt a tug on his sleave. Looking down he noticed that Rose had grabbed hold of it fear written across her face.

"Who's she talking about and why she telling you what to do?" Rose whispered glancing across at the matron.

"Madam Pomfreys head healer here. She can tell me to clear off if she wants. And your Miss Weasley. Your names Rose Weasley and you usually have red hair but your cousin turned it to blond to match mine."

"Why? Did I want it?"

"No, you annoyed him and he hates you and me so that's what he did."

"He doesn't sound very nice."

"No he's not." The matron cleared her throat, tapping her foot on the floor. "Look Rose I've got to go now but I promise I'll be back and while I'm gone Madam Pomfreys will look after you."

The Slytherin ThornOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora