Chapter 15 - Invisible

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"Where were you?" Indie hissed as Rose slipped into the seat besides her. The rest of the class already seated.

"I forgot my..." She scanned the room searching for something she'd 'forgotten'. "My textbook."

"You could of borrowed mine." Indie said. Needing something to do for she was finding it difficult to look her best friend in the eye Rose removed her stationary from her bag. Rose found herself thankful at the fact that their teacher, Professor Aston had began to talk and she had an excuse not to answer. Despite taking notes Rose found it hard to concentrate her mind kept wandering to her new found information and begging that James didn't corner her again.

Rose glanced up to the front of the class. Professor Aston had his back to the room, writing on the board. Taking a scrap piece of parchment she wrote on it. I need to talk to you. She slid it to her left keeping her eyes fixed on the front of the room and feeling a sense of betrayal at not showing Indie but she couldn't not if she was involved.

Rose looked down as she felt a tap on her wrist. The scrap of parchment sat next to her hand. What? Picking up a pen she wrote a reply to Scorpius. Not now. In MS. She slid it back across the desk and watched as Scorpius read it. He looked up and locked eyes with her. 'MS?' He mouthed.

'Muggle Studies' He made an 'Ah' shape and nodded. Rose turned back to her work and after a moments pause in which Scorpius watched her he did the same.


"With the person you are sat next to you will research a muggle invention, explaining in detail how it was was made and how it works, all it's functions, how it aids a muggle and why they use it including a diagram. I expect at least two sheets of parchment. If you have any I shall know you haven't been working and see that you find yourself sitting besides someone else. This work should last for about 3 lessons so take your time and do not rush it. Muggle borns you shall do the same but for a broomstick." Professor Harper said waving her wand and the instructions appeared on the board. "Weasley!" Rose jumped. "I want your homework."

"Yes Professor." Rose replied removing it from her bag and hurrying to the front of the class conscious of the eyes of the class on her. She placed it neatly on the large desk and hurried back to her seat.

"What was it you wanted to talk about?" Scorpius asked leaning towards her but making sure it looked like he was using her ink well.

Glancing around the classroom Rose made sure the Harper was reading through her homework, Albus was in deep discussion with Ronnie at the front of the room and that Indie was safety working with the Slytherin boy brought up by muggles on the other side of the room. "I um..."

"It's about yesterday isn't it?"

"I-Yes." Rose said looking at him as if to say, How did you know that? He shook his head and she explained all about the boy that she now knew had been James and where she had rushed off to at breakfast after having a brain wave.

"So you think it might be Indie?"


"But what could she have taken?"

"I don't know but James said I would."

"Your going to have to search her stuff."

"I don't want to do that." Rose gushed glancing over at Indie and the Boy. "It would feel like betrayal. Going through her stuff with out her permission. It already feels like betrayal confiding in you and not her."

"There's no other way. I mean I'd help but I can't go into the girls dormitories can I?"

Rose shook her head and began to copy a diagram of typewriter her brain working like mad. " can help. If you distract her and I'll go up to the dormitory."

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