Chapter 60 - Maybe

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"Class dismissed!" Rose leaped from her chair, snatching her faithful satchel from the floor and the fresh letter from the desk, she shot out the door she'd deliberately paced herself by.

Rose had made it the full length of the corridor before the masses of students made it out into the hallway. She struggled through the sea of people, shoving and glaring at those that got in her way.

"Hey watch it!" Rose yelled as she went flying to the floor, Scorpius letter slipping from her grasp. Her hand darted out and snatched back from beneath people's feet, slapping the person who was about to stand on it in the shins.

"Sorry Rose!" A voice squeaked as Rose pulled herself to her feet, tucking her letter safely in her pocket. Rose glared at a girl, that she recognised from her dormitory, she slept in the bed besides her. The girl whimpered and backed away, disappearing from view.

Rose sighed, satisfied at getting rid of her but not pleased at her behaviour. As soon as she'd arrived Rose had made sure the girls in her dorm knew who was boss and that she wanted to be left alone.

"Hi!" Rose looked over from her bed to see a small girl, she reminded her of the squeaky voiced Gryffindor, Gale, the one that constantly got her in trouble with Harper. "Your new aren't you? I heard you come from England!"

"And?" Rose questioned, hotly, turning back to brushing Tiger.

"Is it nice? I've always wanted to go there! Apparently you've been to Hogwarts, is that true? What s it like? I've always wanted to go! It must be amazing! Itvs meant to be magical."

"It's got the same amount of magic as here." Rose replied, not turning to look at her.

"It hasn't actually. Statistically speaking, the number of pupils-"

"Do you ever shut up?" Rose snapped dropping the brush on Tiger, who meowed angrily.

"I was just saying..."

"Well don't! Keep your gob shut in the future and stop prying into my business."

"What's a gob?" She asked curiously, leaning forward on her bed.

"A mouth! Don't you French know anything?"

"I'm top of my class actually." She said sounding slightly hurt.

"Of course you are, you sound as though you've swollowed a dictionary. Now be quiet or I shall make you." This time the girl did shut up. She gave Rose a hurt, hostile and scared looked and turned her back on her.

No sooner than the girl had stopped talking did Rose find another girl towering over her, flanked by two more. She looked up at them a sickly smile on her face. "Can I help you?"

The middle girl, clearly the leader, began to speak in French. Rose held up a hand and stopped her. "Je ne parle pas Français." Rose said, the only bit of French she really knew."I don't speak French."

"Ingnlish." The girl sneered in a heavy french accent. She turned to her sidekicks. "No wonder zis gurl haz no mannerz." She turned back to Rose. "Zat, iz my bed. I zuggezt you move."

"It's not anymore I'm afraid." Rose said calmly, sensing the girls temper rise."I got here first. Finders keepers, loosers weeper."

"You deed not get 'ere first. I did. Zat has been my bed for tres years." She snapped. "You can not come in 'ere and take eet."

"I can and I just have." Rose said, discreetly reaching behind her for her wand. 

"Non!" She exploded, her face going red. Rose merely watched as a stream of French and English hit her. "Non! Tu est stupide! zis is my dorm. You do as I say. You! You are new! You do not follow my comand! You must zo parce que tu es nouveau!"

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