"You don't need-"

"I have to go! Can I please use the restroom?!"

"Uh- yeah! Go!" I say confusedly.

What the hell?

I shake my head and go back to cleaning the shattered glass. I shove the mess into the dust pan and throw it out in the nearest garbage can. I exhale and turn around, but bump into something. More like someone. Someone very drunk.

"Hi Marius. Did you go potty?" I joke.

"Yes, I did. It was swell." He says seriously.

"Um, alright then... I will see you around."

I say with a small smile before walking around him to leave. My pace stops when a hand lightly holds my wrist.

"Can't you stay?"

I look between the door and Marius and sigh. Sorry Madame.

"Alright, but only because I can't have you dropping anymore glasses!" I say with a pointed finger.

"Y/n, it isn't nice to blame people for what they haven't committed. Let's go."

With his hand still gently holding my wrist, he pulls me to an empty table. He pulls out a chair for me as he jumps up and down like a child high on sugar. He sits across from me and laces his fingers together on top of the table. He smiles widely, which greatly confuses me.

"How has your day been so far?"

"Oh, uh, okay. What about yours?"

"Hectic. I couldn't focus in any of my classes or in the meeting."

"Why is that?"

"I had something on my mind."

I place the broom and dust pan on the floor beside me and lean onto the table.

"What was on your mind?"

"A girl. A really pretty girl."

I pout my lip out in adoration at the way he spoke. It was quite rare for a man to admit his feelings. Whoever this girl was, well, she was quite lucky.

"This girl is like no girl I have ever seen before. She drives me mad. I think you might know her actually."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. She works here at the Café and she has the most beautiful, breathtaking e/c eyes and the silkiest h/c hair. Oh, and she smells like vanilla! Ring a bell?"

He had just described me. Idiot, you just described me! But then I remembered that he was really really drunk, so I decided to gift myself to a little fun. I mean hey, I've been working all night, I deserve this.

"Yes, I believe I know of her."

"Mmm, if only I could remember her name?" He mumbles, tapping his chin with his index finger.

I let out a small laugh.

"You forgot the name of the girl who's been running through your mind all day?"

"No, no. That's not it." He says, not even looking at me. "I swear it was something like Ra, no. Sam, no. Tri-"


He looks to me with wide eyes.

"Ring a bell?" I mock.

"Yes! That's her name! Oh, I love Y/n. She is the most wonderful creature to ever walk the planet."

I try to hide my smile with my hand, but I think my red cheeks were giving me away.

"Hey, can I tell you a secret?"

I nod, still trying to hide my smile.

"I'm utterly in love with Y/n."

My eyes widen as he leans back in his chair with crossed arms. He nods repetitively with pursed lips.

"Yup, for almost 6 months now." He says, still nodding.

"Um, have you... have you ever thought about telling her?"

He scoffs. "Oh god no. She can have any guy she wants, she would never settle for me."

I lightly crinkle my eyebrows and get up to sit in the chair next to him. He was looking out to the rest of the room, away from me.


He nods and turns to me, his arms still crossed.

"I think you should tell her- when you're sober, of course. But... tell her because she might just feel the same way."

I place my hand on his as I look at him lovingly. He uncrosses his arms, but keeps your hand on his. He interlocks your hands and looks at you. He leans in closer to your face and begins to "inspect" you.

"You know, you look a lot like Y/n..."

I let out a little laugh and look down.

"Marius, I am-"

"I have to go to the bathroom again. May I?"



"Go." I groan.

I sit back into my seat and blow some hair away from my face. I turn my head and see Marius jumping on one foot to the door with his hands covering his crotch as he hunched over.

I laugh again and shake my head.


barricade boys imagines/one shots + preferences: volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now