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Hey guys, this is Aria. I was thinking I wanted to make a winx club fanfic with my own oc, so here it is. I know it's been a long time since I've edited the Lost Angel, but I've been busy writing this chapter. If you haven't read the Lost Angel, please read that soon. Hope you like this story.

Lila POV
"Ouma, you have to have your tablets," my sister called out to our grandma, her long hair sashaying behind her. She gave her two tablets as she grumbled mercilesslessly wacking her stick against the sofa that she sat on. "I don't want to have these tablets," Ouma complained pushing her hand away.

"Ouma, please," I begged her and she swallowed the tablets hastily. I gave her a cup of water. "What would I do without you guys?" Ouma looked at us as we looked at each other.

My sister was the exact mirror of me, but we had totally different styles. Her hair was left out and she wore a sky blue top and a skirt with matching boots.

I looked down at myself and had a different style. My hair was in a high bun and I was wearing a dark blue sleeveless top and pants. I guess you could say I was a bit of a tomboy, but I loved it.

"Ouma, we've got to go to school," my sister said with a cheeky smile and I knew today was going to be a long day.
"Don't switch places at all," Ouma laughed as I giggled. "We can't promise anything grandma," I giggled as Leilani
giggled with me. "Get to school you naughty girls," Ouma teased pushing us out with her stick. "Bye grandma," i screamed as we both left to walk to school.

"What do you want to do for tomorrow?" Leilani asked me and I shrugged back. "Its our sixteenth, we should do something special."

"Yeah," she replied and the end of the walk was silent.

~ Timeskip to break ~
Leilani POV
"Look guys, it's the loser twins who don't have any parents," a voice sashayed over as I groaned in dismay.

"What do you want Eve?" I asked her crossing her arms together. "Well, I saw one of you, not sure which one flirting with my boyfriend," she screeched, and my ears started to ring.

"Can you please be a bit more quiet? My ears are starting to ring," I replied as her 'friends' started to giggle. "Well anyways, where are you going this holidays, I'm going out of this country. My parents are so rich that they can buy anything my heart desires," she boasted and I really had enough.

"Can you please shut up? I know we don't have parents, but at least we have each other when you don't even have love," I yelled back at her and before I knew it, my face was seared with pain.

"Shut up, you don't know anything about me, just mind your own business," she screamed about to hit me again but my sister stopped her. She grabbed her hand and chucked her on the floor using a wrestling move. "You touched her once, how dare you touch her a second time!" Lila yelled as she fell on the grass.

"Never touch my sister again," she murmured and I felt so grateful for her. She held my arms and touched the red marks on my face. "You shouldn't have got hurt," she whispered to me as I saw Eve run into the principal office. "We are going to get into so much for this," I laughed, trying to lighten up the situation.

"Ouma is going to be so upset," she  replied throwing her head back in exasperation. The marks on my face were gone but I still felt it become hot when my sister touched it. "Leilani and Lila to the principal office," I heard over the loudspeaker and held my sister's hand. "Here we go," I breathed out biting my bottom lip.

As we opened the door, we saw the female principal motion us to sit down and she gave Eve another tissue as she was 'crying'. "Calm down Eve, you got beaten up pretty badly didn't you," she gave me and Lila a death glare and I could tell my sister was nervous.

She wasn't very good with words, but she used actions instead of words, and I was the complete opposite. "Miss, Eve hit me and my sister was just protecting me," I told the principal who looked over at Eve.

"Is this true Eve?" The principal asked her but she started crying. "Of course it's not, she's the liar. If you don't do anything, I'll call my dad and he will get rid of them. I never want to see them again," she cried and I held my sister's hand tight.

"Eve, you don't have to bring in the mayor for such a small issue," the principal replied and looked over at us.  "You are suspended for one week girls."

"Only one week, they ruined my face," Eve cried out holding her phone to call her dad. "Okay, okay, girls, you are expelled," the principal said and Eve jumped in triumph. "E-expelled," my sister stuttered tears filling her eyes. "P-please miss, d-don't do this," she cried as the principal avoided her gaze.

"Goodbye girls," the principal smiled sadly as I held my sister's hand tight and left the school. As we were about to leave the gates of the school for the last time, many people crowded us and showed us their pity. "We don't want your pity," I said turning my back onto them and leaving.

And as soon as we were out the sight of the children, my sister and I cried together. "W-what are we going to tell Ouma," my sister stuttered and for once I had no idea of what I was going to say.

"S-she could get a heart attack," I cried as I hugged her tight. "We'd better go home and break the news," my sister smiled sadly as she held my hand. We were soon home because it wasn't that away. "Lei, Li?" Ouma yelled out once she saw us. "Why are you here so early?" She asked us and Li broke down.

"I'm sorry grandma, I couldn't control myself, I got us expelled," she cried narrating the whole story. Grandma's eyes danced with shock as she listened and she fell on the floor. "Ouma," I cried putting her on a chair. "You girls, what am I going to do with you, it's better if I died right now," grandma said and I was shocked.

"Ouma, don't say that," I scolded her as she closed her eyes. "It's time for me to rest girls."

I cried and so did my sister. She was dead. "Ouma, wake up," I shook her hoping that she was still alive. I saw Leilani and she was shocked. As she fainted, I helped her up and wondered if I didn't talk back to Eve, then would we still be at school.

All we had was each other and I couldn't lose her, I just couldn't.

Hope you liked the first chapter. It is 1200 words, so I'm so glad I finished it. I really hope you like it. Thanks to everyone who follows me and votes and comments on this story. Thanks again, Aria out!

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