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So this chapter is dedicated to the transformations of my oc.

So this is how Leilani looks when she's transformed.. yeah I know cool right:)

And this is how Lila looks like when she's transformed

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And this is how Lila looks like when she's transformed.. Haha I feel like I owe this to you.

So hope you like their outfits

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So hope you like their outfits. This is how Declan looks like yeah this picture isn't mind haha I found it on Google hehe.

And this is prince Ezekiel

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And this is prince Ezekiel... Zeke for short you know. Haha again I got this pic from Google

And we'll you know to dress up the characters I used this really good website

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And we'll you know to dress up the characters I used this really good website. Here ill drop the link. Sorry for the really bad spelling. Haha.
Anyways that's the link. It's the best website in my opinion to create a winx fairy. They have a lot of dress options and it's extremely easy to use.

So bye, umm hope you have a nice sleep or day wherever you're from. Where I am it's pretty late so I'M gonna to bed. Goodnight.

Disclaimer: I'm tired, that's why my spelling is so bad 😂 okay now goodnight

The Shadow Phoenix (A Winx Club Fan-fiction) (DISCONTINUED FOR NOW)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora