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~ Previously ~

"Goodnight guys," Layla and I smiled as we entered our rooms. "What do you think this means?" I asked Layla referring to our grandmother having the same name.

"I don't know, but I think you two might be my cousins, the princesses of Xenos."

Leilani POV
"The princesses of Xenos?" I exclaimed in surprise as Layla furrowed her brow as if she was thinking extremely hard. "Yeah," she whispered softly. "I'm not a princess though," I pouted as I yawned quietly.

"I think you both might be," she explained as she yawned. "Goodnight," she yawned as she jumped on her bed and soon fell fast asleep.

"Girls wake up!" I heard Tecna yell as I slowly opened my eyes from a deep slumber. "We have to meet Miss Faragonda," she explained as I saw Layla yawn slightly.

"Did you have to wake us up so early?" Layla complained as Lila entered the room, her hair in a high ponytail, wearing jeans and a plain white tee. "Yes princess Layla," she giggled. "Sorry for ruining your beauty sleep."

"Hmph," Layla pouted as we all laughed together. I quickly got changed into a short pale blue dress with short sleeves and tied my long curly hair into a high messy ponytail.

"Well, let's go then," I smiled, yawning slightly. We quickly ran towards the headmistresses office, laughing. "Please be quiet girls," Miss Faragonda smiled sternly as all of us stopped laughing. 

Sorry headmistress," we all smiled as we sat down on the seats that appeared inside of her office. "Tomorrow is the grand opening of the red fountain and all of you have received invites," she smiled, making 9 invites appear. "Now don't lose them girls, and be on the lookout for the Trix," she smiled as Stella squealed in happiness. 

"Aww I wonder what we're going to wear!" she said in happiness as we walked out of the office. "Eek apparently there's going to be a wind rider contest and all the specialists will be there," she smiled as I blushed. "I can't wait," I whispered thinking of Zeke. "Yeah you're going to see Zeke again, aren't you," Stella teased as I blushed a bright red. 

"That's not why," I argued, my face turning bright pink. "Haha whatever you say, Leilani," Flora smiled, as I hid behind Lila. "Don't hide behind me," she laughed as she softly pushed me away from behind her back. 

"Guys!" Musa screamed as we quickly ran to her room, which she shared with Lila. "What happened here?" Lila sighed in shock as her room was tilted upside down and the glass windows were shattered into pieces. "I don't know, but the invitations are gone," she sighed panting. 

"I don't know..." Musa sighed but got interrupted by a high-pitched scream coming from my and Layla's room. "Let's go check it out," I said quickly as we ran to my room, Lila and the Winx closely following me. The door was wide open and I entered the room, Lila following me inside. 

Smack! The door closed as the lights flickered on and off. "What's happening?" I screamed, feeling my energy slowly run out as I closed my eyes. "Who are you?" I heard Lila scream, but her voice was panting, meaning that she was exhausted. 

"Do you really want to know that?" a voice laughed as the lights stopped flickering on and off and as I opened my eyes, I saw that the door was closed shut by ice.  "Ice," I whispered as I felt my energy drain. "Is this girl stupid or what?" a familiar voice laughed. "All fairies are stupid sisters," another voice laughed as I saw three familiar-looking faces. 

"The Trix," I heard my sister scowl. "Lila," I smiled softly, feeling my energy come back slowly. "Let's fight Lei, just like we've always done," she smiled. "Magic! Transform!" we both yelled in sync as we transformed into our fairy outfits. 

"Flaming Arrow!" I yelled, melting the ice that was coming our way with blue fire. "Fire Storm!" my sister yelled as dark purple clouds appeared above the Trix, and out fell lightning which created purple fire. 

"Wow, you're pretty strong," Icy smiled. "Illusion," Darcy whispered as the floor kept on moving. Stormy soon appeared a large tornado in thin air and it soon reached us. I held onto Lila's hand. "What if we turn into our guardian animal," I smiled, trying to think of a way to defeat them when the Winx couldn't reach us. 

"Nice idea," Lila smiled as she whispered a spell and I whispered the same. Immediately I turned into a small dragon with light blue scales and flew out of the tornado. I turned back into my fairy form and smiled. 

"How did you escape?" Stormy screamed with anger. "Sisters go get the other letters, I will stay and deal with them," she seethed with anger as the other two disappeared. "Now time to deal with you," she smirked, creating a large lightning bolt.

"Deal with this," she smirked as the lightning bolt started to try to hit us. "Flame shield," we both cried, as the lightning bolt hit our shields. "We're back," Darcy and Icy smiled. "We kept one more letter for you but the others are ripped. No way they can stop us now," they smiled evilly. 

As I got even angrier at them, I could feel my shield weakening. "Sunlight shower," I heard behind the door. "Winx," I smiled, relieved that I wouldn't have to hold my shield for that long. 

"Damn you Winx, we'll be back soon," I heard the Trix yell as they flew outside. As I let my shield go down, I felt a sharp pain in my body and it felt like my body was getting electrocuted. I saw Lila fall down beside me as I let my transformation go. 

"Get them both to the Alfea nurse," I heard someone yell, as I felt my whole body get petrified. "Why were the Trix after us?" I thought as I closed my eyes, unable to move. 


Hey guys sorry it's been such a long time since I've updated this story. Thank you so much for 600 views! To be honest, I didn't even think I'll get 100 views let alone 600 so thanks so much. I feel kinda bad that I haven't updated in that long so I gave you a 1000 word long chapter. 

So I hope you all have a great day and thanks for following me, keeping up with my stories, voting and commenting. 

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