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Lila POV
As we entered the Alfea library, Lei ran in front, with me following. "Excuse me miss but do you know where we can find a book about the planet Xenos?" She asked the librarian.

"Why are you asking me?" The librarian laughed, which made me be confused. "Just ask the magic archive," she smiled as both of us ran to a golden book stand. "Xenos," we both called the magic archive as a book with a large golden cover flew gently onto the stand.

I opened the first page and there were beautiful descriptions of the planet we were born in. "Wow!" Lei looked at the book in wonder as she read the pages aloud.

"Xenos is the planet of beauty, grace and life. Their highnesses Queen Camille and King Rian ruled the kingdom peacefully for many years until the the ancestral witches attacked the throne of Xenos to snatch the blue and purple dragon flame. Luckily they didn't succeed, but the queen and king sadly passed away leaving the beautiful planet to freeze and thaw over time covering the ground with rocks."

"Wow!" I sighed. "I want to go there," Lei whispered smiling. "The blue and purple dragon," I asked the magic archive as another book flew onto the stand.

I opened the book and started to read. "Even before the universe was created, there resided the great big dragon. One day, he suddenly split into three parts, but the other dragons weren't the same colour. One was purple and the other was blue. The great dragon fought with the other two dragons for days, until the great dragon won them both. Tired and exhausted, the great dragon fell asleep on Domino and the two other dragons, which were twins fell asleep on a beautiful planet named Xenos."

As I turned another page, I saw a page about the rings of Xenos which were the same rings on our fingers.

"The ring of Xenos was split into two when Queen Camille and King Rian had twins. The ring of Xenos became two and it will help the holder of the blue and purple dragon flame to control their powers easier," I read. "So how do we activate it," Lei whispered. "Maybe yelling out Xenos?" I suggested, thinking of Stella and her ring of Solaria.

"Okay Xenos!" She smiled, as a blue light surrounded her. She chucked the ring up in the air and it turned into a diamond shaped sceptre with a blue gem in the middle.

"My turn, Xenos!" I yelled as a purple light engulfed me. When the light dimmed, a circular shaped sceptre appeared in the place of the ring with a purple stone in its place.

"I feel a lot stronger don't you?" I looked at Lei. We made the sceptres turn into rings again as we looked at each other in wonder.

"What about the bracelets, there has to be something about them," Lei said suddenly as she turned the page looking for something about the bracelets.

"There it is," I pointed to a page with the bracelets that we wore. "These bracelets will protect the holders of the blue and purple dragon flame from any dark magic."

"We can't take these off," I told my sis as she nodded. "Yea..."

~ Timeskip ~
Bloom POV
As we walked down to the lake, I wondered why Faragonda called us here. The rain was pouring hard on us, so we had to wear large black cloaks. Leilani, Lila and Layla were walking a lot at the back and I felt like those three were excluding us a bit.

As we reached the lake, I saw a large flat stone which towered across the thundering sky. "Girls, you're finally here," headmistress Faragonda exclaimed breathlessly.

"This rock has appeared out of nowhere and I'm worried if there's some dark forces going on," she said. "Please destroy it as soon as possible."

"Once the rain stops, we'll destroy it," I exclaimed as the rest of the Winx smiled. "You can count on us Faragonda," Musa smiled.

"Flaming Arrow!" I yelled as a red beam of fire hit the unknown rock. I smiled to myself, glad that I destroyed it. When the smoke cleared, the rock was still intact.

"What?" I yelled, as anger came over me. "Calm down Bloom, let the sun and moon fairy do her thing," Stella smiled, transforming into her fairy form. "Radiant sun!" A large orb of magic appeared in her hands as she aimed it at the unknown rock.

"And that's how you do it," she curtsied,  but when the smoke cleared, the rock didn't have a single scratch on it. "Well I guess the princess of Solaria is a little bit cloudy today," Musa laughed, as Tecna followed her. "Why don't we show them how it's done," Tecna smiled, as they both transformed together.

"Techno blast!"
"Sonic Wave!" They both yelled at the same time. As the smoke cleared, the rock was still standing. "You're so weak," Lila laughed as she, Layla and Leilani looked at each other transforming.

They aimed their spells together, but the rock was still standing. "What is wrong with this?" Lila groaned, detransforming as she landed. "Not so strong now," Musa laughed, as the twins  and Layla looked at her in disappointment.

"It's impossible, I give up," Lila said going back to the Alfea castle. "You coming," she asked Leilani and Layla who nodded, following her up to the castle.

"What weaklings," Stella exclaimed as I nodded. "Now let's do this all together. 1,2,3," We said in sync aiming at the stone. We will destroy this stone no matter what it takes.

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