He chuckles at that. I read for my backpack and take out his assignment book. I take out the book and something falls from my bag. We bend down to take the book together hitting our heads in the process. 

"Ow" I say rubbing my forehead standing straight back.

"Sorry" he winks and grabs my book for me.
"So Twilight huh? That's what you read all the time". He says more to himself.

I grab my book from him ands shove it in my bag. "Yeah" I smile at him.

"Are you a vampire or something then?" he asks.

"Yes I might drink your blood then" I say dramatically.

We laugh at that and Alexa and Ella come towards us. "Heyy" I say.

'Hii" they say without glancing my way and looking at Tyler with questioning eyes. I look at Tyler and he has his signature smile reserved for Alexa on his face now he is back to the stranger he was for me. Just their presence made him change his behavior towards me. I give himhis book back and they rise their eyebrows at me.

"I asked her to complete my assignment for me" he tells them.

"Ohh" they say together. I feel uncomfortable in their gaze. 'I'll see you guys in the class I need to see Avery " I say and start to walk towards the other side of the lockers. I hear them talking in hushed tone but I ignore them and continue walking away.

I go out of the building and take clam breathes to calm myself. I don't do friendships and socialize for these obvious reasons. I feel bad when people start behaving this way. I see Avery with her friends at the parking lot and yesterday's events come back. I feel hurt even thinking about that. the bell goes off for classes and go back inside for my first class.

I go inside the class and find all of them sitting at our usual desks. They stop talking when they see me going towards them. I smile at them and take my seat. The teacher comes in and starts the lecture. Their was awkward silence the whole lecture. Alexa didn't glance at and Ella was busy talkin Blakes ear off. At the lunch I decide to speak with them but Tyler goes somewhere with Blake and I'm left alone with Alexa and Ella.

"Hey. I'm sorry if you didn't like me talking with Tyler but he approached me for the assignment and I would keep my distance from now on. I know you like him but I was just being a friend." I get on straight point and talk looking in her eyes.

She gives me a sweet fake smile."ohh it's nothing really we were just talking about something else right Ella?"

"Yeah really" she too gives a fake smile.

"Ok then" I smile back." Let's grab our seats before someone takes them."

We walk to the cafeteria and sit at our usual spot. Tyler and Blake didn't join us today. I wonder were they went after the lecture.

The day flies by fast with all submissions and exam instructions. It's close to half term and I still don't know are my friends. I thought Alexa and Ella were my friends but they just pretended I think. Well I don't care about that I was okay alone and now it doesn't bother me.

I walk back home engrossed in my own thoughts. Tyler didn't show up for rest of the day. He didn't even bother to clear the situation. I didn't expect though. They all can go to hell for all I care. I am really done with that shit. But I feel hurt with everything happened in these two days . Avery was the only person who knew about my feelings about Tyler. But I don't know whom to trust now. I feel alone and helpless. I go home , keep my backpack in the living room and go to my room to search for my journal.

I have a habit of writing journal when I feel unhappy or depressed. I write down everything I feel. It feels safe. I haven't written much since the college started but today I need to let go. I write down the journal and take a nap feeling exhausted all of a sudden.

The coffee shop is more busy than usual today and my legs are hurting from standing for a long period. I don't have any energy to walk back home but I don't have any other option either. I take my jacket and belongings from the staff room and head out of the café. I'm have way towards my house when a black car stops beside me. The window rolls down and I come to face with face with the most unexpected person.


"Hi. Want a ride back home? You look exhausted." he asks me with a blank face.

"No thanks. I live just around the corner. Thanks though". I say and start walking away. he can behave like nothing happened but I can't do that. He just can't use me to complete his assignment and then ignore me. I deserve better then that.

I hear a door open and close and footsteps behind me. I know it's him but I don't bother to look back. He grabs my wrist and turns me around. His memorizing black eyes are the first thing I see. they look more beautiful from close.

"I'm sorry for what happened earlier in college. I shouldn't have behaved that way." he says. " But I really like her." he says with pleading eyes. My heart breaks a little at that.

"Yeah I know that " I huff out. "I don't want to come between you too. Don't worry I won't bother you. I just helped you with your assignment and they didn't have to react that way." I say annoyed.

"Yeah I know" he says looking down guiltily. He looks defeated. I can't see him like that. I want to tell him everything will be alright but I know it won't be that way.

''You know how about we start over by introducing eachother? we can forget this and I'll make everything right." he says with hopeful eyes. I think for a moment. It's risky to know him and not fall for him but I cannot think about not speaking with him. But I know from my heart that he is worth that risk even though he shatters it to pieces. I'm ready to take that risk even though I have to be around him, get to know him and not have him. And I know there is no going back now I have feel for this beautiful boy even when he shattered my heart and even when I know I can't have him to myself.

I close my eyes take a deep breath and stretch out my hand "Hi I'm Ivy Dain".

"Hi. Tyler Campbell. It's nice to meet you Ivy." he says with a beautiful smile.

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