𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ¹

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Special chapter cause next book on October 20 is a long wait and I miss you guys 😌


The two lie down on the grass and almost had no plans on coming home anytime soon. Until Seungcheol had noticed the time on Jeonghan's wrist which had read.. 2am.

It's true that's they've been laying there for hours, constantly playing around and making out as well. They didn't want to go home. Never mind the cold breeze, they had each took in warmth from each other.

They're not Elsa.. But the cold never bothered them anyway.

Of course Jeonghan had considered going to his lover's house to treat Seungcheol's bruises, but they never know what the world might greet them, they didn't know if suddenly they will be torn apart once again.

So as selfish as Jeonghan thinks, he stayed there in Seungcheol's arms, not wanting to risk the chance of longing for this proximity again.

"Han... I think it's time we go home.."

Jeonghan faced his lover, and instead, pulled him closer, tighter before he whined. "Why? We don't know what will happen if we go there. "

"We can go to my home...you're always welcome there anyways.." Seungcheol chuckled.

Jeonghan then furrowed his eyebrows, "Wait? Your dad doesn't–"

"He found out that I've been sneaking out... He eventually gave his support to us... He likes you, and said that the past has nothing to do with the presents anymore." Seungcheol explained, which made Jeonghan's shine like big puppy eyes.

"Really?!" the latter was in the verge of tears, his father in law's approval is just very important to him.

"Yes, really... So let's go!" Seungcheol said, and groaned as he sat up, pulling Jeonghan with him.

They then started walking home, hand in hand, this time.. No one will be able to tear them apart.


As Seungcheol and Jeonghan arrived, the older boy kept Jeonghan behind him as he peeked on the house entrance slowly.

When he was clear that it was okay to go inside, he kept the lights closed, then entered, tiptoeing as he pulled Jeonghan inside as well.

But to Seungcheol's luck, just as the other days of sneaking out, and sneaking in to go home, the kitchen lights has opened, catching both Jeonghan and Seungcheol red handed.

"M-mom! Good.. Morning?" Said Seungcheol warily...until he realized.. His mother were not the only ones there. There sat his mom, his dad.. And Jeonghan's parents...

Seungcheol glanced at the younger boy beside him, a blush and shock was obviously displayed on his face as he looked at his parents in fear, worry and shock.

"We figured Jeonghan would be here... So we went here." Jeonghoon stood up and walked near his son, whom moved behind his lover to make himself feel protected.

Seungcheol immediately panicked, but regained some strength to finally stand up for Jeonghan, "Sir I'm–"

"Sorry..."  the couple was shocked to hear those words.. Specially it came out of Jeonghoon's mouth.

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