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𝐼𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑧𝑒?

-few days later-


Every since that day we had the debate, I and Jeonghan didn't bicker, we didn't argue in class, we didn't send death glares, we didn't trip each other like we used to.

In fact, we didn't even glance, we didn't talk at all, aside from school works, we basically just ignored each other, he basically ignored me, even when I try to look at him, he never gave a glance.

I barely slept as his words kept ringing in my ear. Is that why he hated me so much? He hated me because he didn't recieve the love from his parents? And so he rely on the love of other people.But since I came into the frame, he blames me for stealing it.

I tried to convince myself it was so unreasonable and just childish. But if I put myself in his situation, it must have been hard to cope up without the presence of his parents, thinking about it, I, too, would have used the other's love to cope up with my loneliness.

Now that I understood why he hated me, I had to know why I hated him?

Technically, I hated him because he was bitching with me in the first place, I could've chose to ignore it, but him challenging me makes me want to prove myself to him. I admit I was unreasonable too. I hated him just so my pride won't get hurt so I decided to reciprocate his feelings.

How childish and insensitive of me to hate him without understanding what he really felt.

"Penny for your thoughts??" Jun asked me, my new friend, that I got close with through soccer. Knocking me out of trance, I realized we were at the cafeteria sitting together.

"Nothing, just uhm.. Thinking about our school play" not really, but speaking of the show, we are almost finished, we worked hard together, and multiple practices and props were all we needed.

"I bet you're thinking about her."

"About who?"

Jun faced me and gave me a look that I knew what he meant. "Jeonghan? Tsh... No, I'm not thinking about him"

Just then Mingyu joined the conversation, "I'm pretty sure Jun said 'her' not a 'him'"

I widened my eyes wanting to go back in time and retract my statement, but actually, I wanted to go back in time and try to understand Jeonghan first instead of unreasonably hating him in the first place.

"I thought you were thinking about Erica, turns out you were thinking about Jeonghan," Jun smiled teasingly

"It's pretty obvious he was thinking of Jeonghan though, but why?"

I sighed, knowing these two will never stop, I explained, "He's been ignoring me since that debate"

"Aren't you happy though? You hate each other don't you"

I massaged my temples and took in a breath again, "We hated each other just because I didn't get to know him in the first place"

"so you feel guilty and sorry about it?"

I only looked at him and buried my face in the table instead. "Aish.. Is that the only thing you realize?" Jun asked

"Uhmmm.. Yeah? What else?" I shot a confused look.

"You're not flirting with Erica since that debate anymore..."

"and what does that suppose to mean?" I faced Mingyu along with my arms crossed.

"When Jeonghan started ignoring you, you stopped flirting with Erica then that means..."

I raised my eyebrow in anticipation.

"that means you're only using Erica to make Jeonghan jealous!" Jun continues Mingyu's sentence.

"That doesn't make sense! Why would I do that?"

"Exactly! Why did you do that? Figure it out yourself."

"And... Oh! Look at the time! I'm heading back to class now!" Jun said, and so did Mingyu, leaving me trailing to my own class as well.

Thinking about Jun and Mingyu's words, what should I realize?


Is the story getting confusing? Let me know ♡ this is a filler chapter to basically explain why they hated each other in the first place, and also to make Seungcheol realize what he's feeling towards Jeonghan.

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